Page 61 - Contributed Paper Session (CPS) - Volume 2
P. 61

CPS1428 Enobong F. U.

                         Burr XII distribution and its application in PERT
                                     Enobong Francis Udoumoh
                                 University of Agriculture, Makurdi, Nigeria

            Project Evaluation and Review Technique (PERT) in conjunction with Monte
            Carlo  simulation  is  no  doubt  a  useful  and  an  acceptable  tool  for  project
            network analysis. However, a common challenge in practice is the inability to
            confidently select appropriate input distribution to represent activity duration
            owing  to  scarcity  of  project  data.  In  this  research,  Burr  XII  distribution  is
            introduced as an input duration distribution in the analysis of project network.
            Some desirable properties that qualify Burr XII distribution as input duration
            distribution  are  presented.  The  classical  quantile  estimation  approach  is
            adopted to estimate activity parameters based on judgmental estimates. To
            illustrate  the  procedure,  activity  duration  data  from  a  survey  of  bore  hole
            drilling  projects  in  Benue  State,  Nigeria  was  used.  Initial  results  based  on
            goodness of fit test shows that Burr distribution is well suited to model activity
            duration. A program written in MATLAB codes is used to Monte Carlo the
            project network to estimate the Project Completion Time (PCT). Further results
            revealed that the new approach which uses Burr XII distribution performs well
            especially when the activity distribution is heavily tailed to the right.

            Activity Duration; Quantile Estimation; Project

            1.  Introduction
                Management of projects has become increasingly complex owing to the
            sophisticated nature of our environment and management systems. This has
            led to the adoption and formulation of efficient management techniques for
            effective  management  of  projects.  The  Critical  Path  Method  (CPM)/Project
            Evaluation and Review Technique (PERT) is one of the management techniques
            which  has  been  use  extensively  in  project  management,Tavares  (2002),
            PMBOK (2008). The originators of PERT (Malcom et al. 1959) assumed that
            project activity time follows the generalized beta distribution with probability
            density function
                    Γ(+) (−) −1 (−) −1
            (0 =                       ;  <  < , ,  > 0               (1)
                    Γ()Γ()  (−) +−1

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