Page 62 - Contributed Paper Session (CPS) - Volume 2
P. 62

CPS1428 Enobong F. U.
                  where    and    are  the shape  parameters, Γ(. ) is  the  gamma  function.  The
                  mean,  variance  and  skewness  are  given  as   =  + ( − )  + ′  2
                  ( − ) 2       respectively.
                          (+) (++1)
                      However, the mean and variance were estimated as   = ( + 4 + )⁄6
                  and    =    (  −  ) ⁄36  ,  where  ,    and    are  optimistic,  most  likely  and
                  pessimistic times respectively.  Then the central limit theorem was applied to
                  approximate the cumulative distribution of the  project completion time to
                  normal.  It  is known  that  Malcom’s  PERT  underestimate  project completion
                  time and some of the sources of this bias as documented in literature (see
                  MacCrimmon & Ryavec (1964), Elmaghraby (1977), McCombs, et. al. (2009))
                  include: (i) Inability to accurately estimate the pessimistic, optimistic and most
                  likely  times. (ii)  The  seemingly  intuitive  choice of  the Beta  distribution.  (iii)
                  Method of estimation of the parameters of the activity time. (iv) The critical
                  path method of computing project completion time which ignores near critical
                  paths. (v) The possibility of wrong approximation of the project duration by
                  normal distribution. Previous works (Premachandra (2001), Herrerias-Velasco
                  (2011))  revealed  that  Malcom’s  PERT  formulae  of  the  mean  and  variance
                  restrict us to only three members of the beta family,  namely, (i)  =  = 4
                  (ii) = 3 − √2 ; = 3 + √2 (iii)  = 3 + √2 ;  = 3 − √2.  .  In  which  case,  the
                  skewness captured by the model is 0,    and −  respectively. In other words,
                                                       2        2
                  the estimates are unreliable when activity times are heavily tailed.
                  Consequently, researchers have suggested other probability distributions as
                  proxies  for  the  beta  distribution  as  well  as  adopting  other  estimation
                  techniques to circumvent items (ii) and (iii) above.
                      Some of the distributions suggested include: the normal by Cottrell (1999);
                  the lognormal by Mohan et al (2007), Trietsch, et. al.(2012); the weibull by
                  McCombs  et.  al.  (2009);  the  exponential  by  Magott  and  Skudlarski  (1993),
                  Kwon, et. al. (2010); the truncated exponential by Abd-el-Kader (2006); the
                  compound  Poisson  by  Parks  &  Ramsing  (1969);  the  triangular  by
                  Elmaghraby(1977),  Johnson  (1997);  the  gamma  by  Lootsma  (1966),
                  Abdelkader (2004b); the beta-rectangular by Hahn (2008); the tiltedbeta by
                  Hahn and Martín (2015); the uniform by MacCrimmon & Rayvec(1964) and
                  Abdelkader  and  Al-Ohali(2013);  the  Erlang  by  Bendell,  et.  al.  (1995)  and
                  Abdelkader (2003).
                      The aim of this paper is to introduce Burr XII distribution as activity time
                  distribution  in  PERT.  We  will  present  a  method  for  the  estimation  of  the
                  parameters of activity time with Burr XII distribution, and thereafter Monte
                  Carlo the project network to obtain PCT using MATLAB Codes. It is believed
                  that our method will significantly address issues in items (i), (ii) and (iii) as listed

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