Page 59 - Contributed Paper Session (CPS) - Volume 2
P. 59

CPS1419 Jinheum K. et al.
            in the values of r.Bias and CP between the three distributions considered
            in  simulations  and  the  normal  distribution.  Through  the  analysis  of
            augmented PAQUID data, we found that non-homogeneity between
            individuals  exists.  Men  transitioned  from  healthy  to  diagnosed-with-
            dementia states with an intensity that was 1.899 times higher than that
            of women. For the transition from healthy to dead states, the intensity
            for women was 6.816 times higher than it was for men, and the intensity
            of the educated group was 3.874 times higher than that of the non-
            educated group. However, there  was no significant difference in the
            transition intensity of dignosed-with-dementia to dead states between
            men and women or between educated and non-educated groups.

            This research was supported by Basic Science Research Program through the
            National  Research  Foundation  of  Korea  (NRF)  funded  by  the  Ministry  of
            Education (NRF-2017R1D1A1B03028535).

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