Page 67 - Contributed Paper Session (CPS) - Volume 2
P. 67

CPS1428 Enobong F. U.
                Figure  1  presents  the  precedence  diagram  for  the  bore  hole  drilling
            project. The network has two paths, namely 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9 and 1-2-3-4-5-
            6-7-9 that connects the start and the end node.  Results from Monte Carlo
            simulation shows that path I is critical with mean 796.2736.

                                           D                         7         8
                                   C             5         6
                               3                                            H
                         B                                                         I

                       2                                                        9


                       Figure 1: Network Diagram for bore hole drilling project

            4.  Conclusion
                In this research, we proposed the Burr XII distribution as an input activity
            duration  distribution  for  project  network  analysis.  The  quantile  estimation
            method was adapted to develop a procedure for the estimation of Burr XII
            activity  parameters.  A  comparison  of  the  new  method  with  some  existing
            methods (classical PERT, Shankar & Sireesha (2009) and Gollenko-Ginzburg
            (1988)  approximations)  presents  the  Burr  XII  distribution  as  a  good  input
            activity duration distribution. In particular, Burr XII distribution can serve as a
            very  good approximation for activity durations in project network  analysis;
            especially if the underlying activity distributions are positively skewed.

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