Page 104 - Contributed Paper Session (CPS) - Volume 4
P. 104

CPS2134 Yutaka Kuroki et al.
                  ➢    Some  predicted  time-series  plots  together  with  predicting
                       performance measures are shown

                  For the first purpose, recall that we propose the following model:
                                   ,  = ∑  , ,  +   + ∑    +  .
                                                                  , ,
                                       =1                   =1
                  In  order  to  obtain  unbiased  estimates  of  the  OLS  regression,  it  must  be
                  assumed  that  error  terms  and  regressors  including  factors  must  be
                  uncorrelated  in  both  times-series  and  cross-sectional  direction.  This
                  assumption is known to the strictly exogenous assumptions, which seems too
                  strong to be hold. We need to perform some validity tests of our proposed
                  models  are  adequate  or  not.  The  following  Fama-MacBeth  regression,
                  together with GMM estimations are the powerful tools for panel time-series
                  analysis. Cochrane (2005) recommends keeping the number of test portfolios
                  to less than 10% of the number of observations in the GMM. Since we have
                  296 daily observations, we constructed 14 test portfolios based on their genre.

                  Figure  3  is  the  histograms  of  model  adjusted  R-squared  values  for  all
                  restaurants. It shows MKT, SMB and SMR weakly improve the interpretability

                       Figure 3. Histograms for the adjusted R-squared values for all restaurants.
                            (left: our model, right: a model without MKT, SMB and SMR)

                     To see the validity of our model, we use Fama & MacBeth (1973) procedure,
                  which is an alternative procedure for validating how factors describe portfolio
                  or asset returns, and for producing standard errors and test statistics. Fama-
                  MacBeth procedure is two-step regression. First, estimate coefficients with a
                  time-series regression.
                                         = Σ   +  ,    = 1, … , .
                  Second, estimate cross-sectional regression at each time period as below.
                                         = ∑   +  ,    = 1, … , .
                                                                      93 | I S I   W S C   2 0 1 9
   99   100   101   102   103   104   105   106   107   108   109