Page 108 - Contributed Paper Session (CPS) - Volume 4
P. 108

CPS2135 Sumonkanti Das et al.
                  the  period  1999-2017  serve  as  input  for  developing  multilevel  time  series
                  models to predict more smooth and robust trend series.
                     Over the period of 1999-2017, there were two redesigns in the DTS: one in
                  2004 when the survey data collection was transferred to another agency and
                  another one in 2010 when Statistics Netherlands restarted data collection. The
                  period 1999-2003 is referred to as OVG, 2004-2009 as MON and 2010-2017
                  as OViN. These are abbreviations of Dutch names for the DTS used in the
                  different periods. Discontinuities due to redesigns are sometimes masked by
                  the volatility of the point estimates at detailed level. Some discontinuities are
                  clearly visible at aggregate levels and need to be accounted for in the model
                  development for trend estimation.
                     The  direct  estimates  with  their  standard  errors are  available  for  all 504
                  domains, however there are some structural zeroes (such as motive work and
                  mode  car  driver  for  children)  for  which  the  estimates  are  identically  zero.
                  Additionally, there are many other domains with zero direct estimates, but
                  they are zero only coincidentally due to no observations of journeys in such
                  domains in a particular year. Since the sample sizes of some domains are too
                  small to produce reliable direct point estimates, the variance estimates are also
                  unstable. In addition, for some domains point estimates are found unreliable
                  for the year 2009 due to issues with the field work in the last MON year. These
                  estimates behave as outliers in the time series data of 1999-2017. To obtain
                  sufficiently stable variance approximations for the point estimates, required
                  for time series modeling, the direct variance estimates are modeled by a GVF
                  following Wolter (2007) to construct stable variance approximations for the
                  direct variance estimates.
                     In  Bollineni-Balabay  et  al.  (2017)  structural  time  series  models  and
                  multilevel  time  series  models  were  used  to  estimate  trends  for  mobility
                  (average distance traveled pppd) by journey motive and transportation mode.
                  They  found  the  differences  between  the  two  modeling  frameworks  were
                  generally small. However, Boonstra and van den Brakel (2016) found multilevel
                  time  series  models  in  a  hierarchical  Bayesian  formulation  have  some
                  advantages in terms of flexibility and computational efficiency. Therefore, time
                  series multilevel model has been considered in this study to borrow strength
                  over time and space while accounting for discontinuities and outliers.

                  2.  Methodology
                     2.1 Input estimates
                     The direct estimates are obtained by the generalized regression estimator
                  (Särndal et al., 1992). Standard errors of the direct estimates are approximated
                  by  Taylor  linearization,  and  account  for  weighting  and  unequal  inclusion
                  probabilities.  Let  Y it  denote  the  direct  estimate  of  the  average  number  of
                  journey parts pppd for year t, t = 1999,...,2017 and domain i, i = 1,...,504.
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