Page 107 - Contributed Paper Session (CPS) - Volume 4
P. 107

CPS2135 Sumonkanti Das et al.

                           Multilevel time series modeling of mobility
                           trends in the Netherlands for small domains
                     Sumonkanti Das  , Harm Jan Boonstra , Jan van den Brakel
                                         1  Maastricht University
                                         2  Statistics Netherlands

            The purpose of the Dutch Travel Survey is to produce reliable figures about
            mobility of the Dutch population. In this paper, multilevel time-series models
            have  been  developed  to  estimate  reliable  mobility  trends  at  several
            aggregation  levels, accounting  for  discontinuities  induced  by  two  different
            redesigns, and outliers due to less reliable outcomes in one particular year.
            The model is fitted to annual input series of direct estimates and standard
            errors  at  the  most  detailed  breakdown  into  504  domains  defined  by  the
            combination of sex, age-class, motive and mode for the period 1999-2017.
            The standard errors of the direct estimates are smoothed through Generalized
            Variance Function (GVF) method. The model is fitted in a hierarchical Bayesian
            framework using Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) simulations. Global-local
            priors  are  considered  for  regularization  purposes.  Predictions  for  higher
            aggregation levels are obtained by aggregation of the most detailed domain
            predictions, resulting in numerically consistent set of trend estimates.

            Generalized  variance  function;  Global-local  priors;  Hierarchical  Bayesian
            approach; MCMC simulation; Small area estimation; Survey redesigns

            1.  Introduction
                The  purpose  of  the  Dutch  Travel  Survey  (DTS)  is  to  produce  reliable
            prediction of mobility trends (such as average distance per journey) of the
            Dutch population. The target variable in this paper is the average number of
            journey parts per person per day (pppd). A journey with a specific motive (e.g.
            traveling to work) can be made by more than one transportation mode. In
            such case, journey parts are defined as the breakdowns of the journey for a
            specific motive into separate sections made by the transportation modes. Thus
            journey parts are characterized by journey motive and transportation mode.
            In this study, the target parameter is estimated at the most detailed level based
            on the cross-classification of sex (male, female), age-class (0-5, 6-11, 12-17,
            18-29, 30-39, 40-49, 50-59, 60-69, 70+), motive (work, shopping, education,
            other),  and  mode  (car  driver,  car  passenger,  train,  BTM  (bus/tram/metro),
            cycling, walking, other). Annual direct estimates and their standard errors for

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