Page 109 - Contributed Paper Session (CPS) - Volume 4
P. 109

CPS2135 Sumonkanti Das et al.
                The estimated direct standard errors are reasonable for large domains, but
            not always for small domains with only a few observed journey parts (even
            zero in some cases). In order to obtain more reliable se(Y it), a GVF model has
            been  developed  based  on  the  strong  relationship  between  se(Y it)  and
                                  , where mit is the number of households contributing to

            this particular domain i in year t. However, since the estimates with small mit
            (including the cases with Y it = 0) are not trustable, Y it are replaced by simple
            smoothed  estimates  Y it  =  λitY it  +  (1  −  λit)Y i0.  with    where  Y i0.
            denotes the mean number of journey parts pppd over the years and sexes.
                The direct estimates and smoothed standard errors are used as input for
            developing  the  multilevel  time  series  models  to  obtain  more  smooth  and
            robust trend series. To improve the model fit as well the convergence of the
            MCMC simulations, three different transformations of the input series have
            been considered. Of these transformations, the SQRT transformation works
            best in terms of model convergence and prediction of trend series. A Taylor
            linearization yields approximated standard errors as ( ) → ( )/(2√ ).
            These  standard  errors  are  undefined  for  the  domains  with  no  observed
            journeys  (zero  point  estimate  and  standard  error),  but  they  were  imputed
            using the GVF smoothing model discussed in the previous paragraph. In this
            case, the GVF model is applied to the transformed se(Y it) instead of original.

               2.2  Multilevel time series model
                Multilevel time series models for small area prediction are extensions of
            the basic area  level model proposed by  Fay and Herriot  (1979).  Here time
            series models are defined at the most detailed level constructed as the cross-
            classification of sex, age-class, motive, mode and year. For the description of
                                                                                ˆ sqrt  are
            the multilevel time-series model, the transformed initial estimates Y it
            combined into a vector                                         , where Md =
            504 and T = 19.
                Thus Y ˆsqrt  is a M = MdT dimensional vector. Structural zero domains are not
            modeled, and hence the number of modeled initial estimates is reduced from
            M = MdT = 504 × 19 = 9576 to a total of 8720.
                The  multilevel  models  considered  in  this  study  can  be  expressed  as  a
            general linear additive form

                                       =  + ∑  () ()  + ,    (1)
                where X  is a M × p design matrix for a p-vector of fixed effects , and the
             (α)  are   ×  ()  design matrices for q -dimensional random effect vectors
            v . Here the sum over α runs over several possible random effect terms at
            different levels, such as transportation mode and motive smooth trends, white
            noise at the most detailed level of the M domains, etc. The sampling errors

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