Page 111 - Contributed Paper Session (CPS) - Volume 4
P. 111

CPS2135 Sumonkanti Das et al.
            denoted  by  dummy  2009).  The  year  variable  is  also  used  quantitatively  to
            define linear time trends by using its scaled and centered version (denoted as
            yr.c). The final time series model has been developed incorporating fixed and
            random effects of these covariates along with the sex, ageclass, motive and
            mode  variables.  A  summary  of  the  random  effect  terms  included  in  the
            selected  model  is  shown  in  Table  1.  A  very  brief  summary  of  the  model
            building process is given below:
                  1.  In the final selected model the following fixed effects components are
                     included, where the term like   ∗   includes both main and
                     interaction effects:
                       ∗    +    ∗    + (  +    +
                      ) ∗ (_  +  . )             (4)
                  2.  Higher  order  fixed  effect  terms  are  modeled  with  random  effects
                     terms,  which  included  level  break  effects,  random  intercepts,  and
                     random  linear  time  trends.  Full  covariance  among  these  effects
                     improved the model. The resulting model term is named “V BR” in
                     Table 1.
                  3.  Time trend components were added at different levels, starting with
                     smooth common trends at an overall level. In the end, using time
                     trends at the two aggregation levels motive × mode and ageclass ×
                     motive  ×  mode  were  found  to  work  best.  The  terms  are  named
                     RW2MM  and  RW2AMM  respectively  in  Table  1.  Best  results  have
                     been  obtained  with  diagonal  variance  for  RW2MM  and  a  scalar
                     variance for the more detailed RW2AMM component.
                  4.  To  capture  effects  of  the  most  influential  2009  outliers,  random
                     effects of dummy  2009 have been included at the domain level, and
                     the resulting model term is named “V 2009”.
                  5.  White noise was added to capture unstructured dependence over all
                     levels of all factors. The white noise term is named WN in Table 1.
                  6.  Non-normal  prior  distributions  have  been  tried  for  most  random
                     effect terms. A Laplace prior distribution for the random effects term
                     “V BR” and a horseshoe prior for the outlier term “V 2009” were found
                     to improve the model performance.

                The means over the posterior draws are used as trend estimates, whereas
            the standard deviations serve as standard error estimates. The trend estimates
            based on the selected model, the direct input estimates and the model fitted
            values are shown in Figure 1 at overall level. The black lines are series of direct
            estimates, the red lines are the model fit based on all model components, and
            the  green  lines  are  trend  series  estimates  benchmarked  to  the  OViN  level
            (including white noise). The trend lines, model fit and the direct estimates are
            compared at different level of aggregation including the most detailed level

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