Page 110 - Contributed Paper Session (CPS) - Volume 4
P. 110

CPS2135 Sumonkanti Das et al.
                    = ( , . . . ,    1 . . .     ) are  taken  to  be  normally  distributed  as    ∼
                   (0, )  where  Σ = Φ = ⨁   Φ  with  Φ   the  covariance  matrix  for  the
                  transformed direct estimates observed in year t. Here covariances between
                  direct domain estimates are ignored and so Φ  is assumed to be diagonal.
                  Equations (1) with the distribution of e define the likelihood function as
                                                  (  |, Σ) = (  |, Σ),   (2)

                     where   =   + ∑  () () , called the linear predictor. The vector  β of
                  fixed  effects  is  assigned  a  normal  prior () =  (0,100), which  is  very
                  weakly informative relative to the scales of the transformed direct estimates
                  and the covariates. The random effect vectors  ()  for different α are assumed
                  to  be  independent,  but  the  components  within  vector  ()   are  possibly
                  correlated  to  accommodate  temporal  or  cross-sectional  correlation.  The
                  superscript α is suppressed in what follows for notational convenience. Each
                  random effects vector v is assumed to be distributed as
                                                        ∼  (0,   ⊗   ),            (3)
                     where V and A are d × d and l × l covariance matrices, respectively, and
                    ⊗   denotes the Kronecker product of A with V . The total length of v is
                    =  , and  these  coefficients  may  be  thought  of  as  corresponding  to  d
                  effects allowed to vary over l levels of a factor variable.The covariance matrix
                  A describes the covariance structure between the levels of the factor variable,
                  and  is  assumed  to  be  known.  Instead  of  covariance  matrices,  precision
                  matrices  QA  =  A −1   are  actually  used  for  computational  efficiency.  The
                  covariance matrix V is allowed to be parameterized as (i) fully parameterized
                  (unstructured) covariance matrix, (ii) a diagonal matrix with different elements
                  (diagonal),  and  (iii)  a  diagonal  matrix  with  equal  elements  (scalar).  A
                  generalisation  of  (3)  to  non-normal  distributions  of  random  effects  are
                  considered  assuming  a  Student-t  distribution,  horseshoe  prior,  or  Laplace
                     The  models  are  fitted  using  MCMC  sampling,  in  particular  the  Gibbs
                  sampler (Gelfand and Smith, 1990). See Boonstra and van den Brakel (2018)
                  for a specification of the full conditional distributions. Model selection is based
                  on WAIC (Watanabe, 2010) and DIC (Spiegelhalter et al., 2002) criteria. The
                  model, a longer run of 1000 burn-in plus 10000 iterations of which the draws
                  of every fifth iteration are stored, giving 3 ∗ 2000 = 6000 draws to compute
                  estimates and standard errors.

                  3.  Result
                     Some additional covariates are constructed in order to model the MON
                  level break in 2004 (br mon taking values 1 for 2004-2009 years), the OViN
                  level break  in 2010 (br ovin taking values 1 for 2010-2017 years),  and the
                  influence of some lesser quality 2009 input estimates (as a dummy variable

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