Page 152 - Contributed Paper Session (CPS) - Volume 4
P. 152

CPS2160 Aye Aye Khin et al.
                     For Equation (10), it explains India’s natural rubber import demand VECM
                  model results, the explanatory variables accounted for about 71.80 percent of
                  the variation in the India natural rubber import demand equation. Estimations
                  reveal that the explanatory variables, namely the world NR price (nrstr20t-1),
                  India’s  exchange  rate  (exrmt-1),  NR  SMR20  price  (nrsmr20t-1)  and  the  lag
                  variable of  India’s  natural rubber import demand (nrimpt-1),  were the most
                  important explanatory variable with statistically significance at the 0.01, 0.05
                  and 0.10 level, respectively.
                     Looking  at  Equation  (11),  it  explains  on  USA’s  natural  rubber  import
                  demand VECM model results, the explanatory variables accounted for about
                  90.17  percent  of  the  variation  in  the  USA  natural  rubber  import  demand
                  equation. Estimations reveal that the explanatory variables, namely the world
                  NR price (nrstr20t-1), NR SMR20 price (nrsmr20t-1) and the lag variable of USA’s
                  natural rubber import demand (nrimpt-1), were the most important explanatory
                  variable with statistically significance at the 0.01 and 0.05 level, respectively.
                     Last but not least, looking at Equation (12), it explains on Japan’s natural
                  rubber  import  demand  VECM  model  results,  the  explanatory  variables
                  accounted for about 83.73 percent of the variation in the Japan natural rubber
                  import demand equation. Estimations reveal that the explanatory variables,
                  namely  the  world  NR  price  (nrstr20t-1),  Japan’s  exchange  rate  (exrmt-1),  NR
                  SMR20 price (nrsmr20t-1) and the lag variable of Japan’s natural rubber import
                  demand  (nrimpt-1),  were  the  most  important  explanatory  variable  with
                  statistically significance at the 0.01, 0.05 and 0.10 level respectively.
                     Moreover, Table 4.1 above shows China’s granger causality analysis results.
                  In the Engle-Granger test, F-statistics of the two variables of world NR price
                  (nrstr20) and import demand (nrimp); exchange rate (exrm) and import demand
                  (nrimp) are only significant at α 0.01, 0.05 & 0.10 level. Therefore, there are world
                  NR price (nrstr20) “Granger causes” to import demand (nrimp) and exchange
                  rate  (exrm)  “Granger  causes”  to  import  demand  (nrimp).  Moreover,  their
                  granger causality relationships are bidirectional. Then, they are cointegrated and
                  also a long-run equilibrium relationships between each two variables. Table 4.2
                  above shows India’s granger causality analysis results. In the Engle-Granger test,
                  F-statistics of the two variables of exchange rate (exrm) and import demand
                  (nrimp) is only significant at α 0.05 level. Therefore, there is a variable exchange
                  rate  (exrm)  “Granger  causes”  a  variable  import  demand  (nrimp)  and  the
                  direction  of  the  granger  causality  relationship  is  unidirection.  Then,  there  is
                  cointegrated  and  also  a  long-run  equilibrium  relationships  between  two
                     Table 4.3 above shows USA’s granger causality analysis results. In the Engle-
                  Granger test, import demand (nrimp) to world NR price (nrstr20); and import
                  demand (nrimp) to SMR20 price (nrsmr20) are only significant at  α 0.10 level.
                  Therefore, their directions of granger causality relationship are unidirection. Then,

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