Page 213 - Contributed Paper Session (CPS) - Volume 4
P. 213

CPS2192 Laurent D. et al.
            how useful is the signed distance measure in a, e.g. defuzzification process,
            and in computing these evaluations (see Berkachy and Donzé (2015, 2016a,b)).
                In the following, we propose a fuzzy individual and global evaluations of a
            subset of the Swiss survey SILC (Swiss Federal Statistical Office (2014)). This
            survey  is  conducted  every  year  and  aims  the  Swiss  income  and  living
            conditions. A significant part of the questionnaire is written in linguistic terms,
            and as such, it is well suited to this kind of approach. Furthermore, we test by
            a fuzzy anova study for two attributes of poverty the difference between Swiss
            citizens and foreigners. Bourquin (2016)’s Master thesis was at our knowledge
            the  first  one  to  apply  a  fuzzy  approach  to  analyse  the  SILC  survey.  She
            measured  by  different  categories  of  interest,  and  for  several  attributes,
            individual and global fuzzy poverty. Based on the same data, we intend to
            complete her study. However, our analysis will differ concerning two points.
            First, as we will show below, our fuzzy measures will be defuzzified by the
            signed distance measure. Second, we will adopt a different weighting scheme.
                Let us shortly in sections 2 and 3 define and present the individual and
            global assessments, as well as the fuzzy ANOVA (FANOVA). These theoretical
            results will be applied in section 4, the empirical part of the study. For more
            explanations, one can fruitfully read, e.g. Berkachy and Donzé (2015, 2016a,b,

            2.  Individual and global assessments
                Let us assume a linguistic questionnaire divided in main and sub-items,
            denoted  respectively  by    and   ,  = 1, … , ,  = 1, … ,  .  We  denote
            respectively  by   and    the  associated  weights  with  the  constraints: 0 ≤
             ≤ 1, ∑  =1  = 1 , 0 ≤  ≤ 1 and ∑     = 1. A sub-item list of  linguistic
            terms,   ,  = 1, … ,  ,  which  we  suppose  fuzzy.  The  sampling  weight  is
            denoted by  ,  = 1, … , , where  is the size of the sample. Finally, we define
            the following indicator function:

                            1  if the observation i has an answer for the linguistic 
            (1)     =
                            0  otherwise
                 Assuming that there are no missing values – thus latter assumption could
                    be easily relaxed -, the global evaluation P of the linguistic questionnaire
                    is given by:
                                                        ∑ =1   
                                     = ∑  ∑  ∑      ∑     ( , 0),
                                        =1  =1  =1   =1  
            where (  , 0) is the signed distance of    measured from the fuzzy origin 0̃.
            If a fuzzy linguistic term is characterised by a triangular isosceles membership
            function, i.e.   = ( −1 ,  ,  +1 ),  = 1, … , , the signed distance (  , 0) is
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