Page 64 - Contributed Paper Session (CPS) - Volume 4
P. 64

CPS 2126 Dr. Rajkumari Sanatombi Devi
                  items  were  having  zero  discriminating  power  between  the  high  achieving
                  group and low achiever group. It was also observed that 2 items were having
                  negative values which indicate the low performing students got a specific item
                  correct more often than the high scorers. The reasons of having the negative
                  values may be due to the mis-keyed in test items. Hence, these 4 items need
                  to be discarded in the construction test items. It was also clear that there was
                  a  strong  and  significant  positive  correlation  between  the  difficulty  and
                  discriminating  indices  of  the  test  items.  The  difficulty  and  discrimination
                  indices are often reciprocally related is not coming true in this study.

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