Page 59 - Contributed Paper Session (CPS) - Volume 4
P. 59

CPS 2126 Dr. Rajkumari Sanatombi Devi
                                    Below 0.20                        Very difficult

                                     0.20 0.50                            Good
                                    0.50 – 0.80                            Best
                                   Above 0.80                           Very easy
            Discrimination power (DI) defined by Blood and Budd (1972) as the ability of
            an item on the basis of which the discrimination is made between superiors
            and inferiors was used in assessing the discriminated power of the test items
            in the present study. The formula for calculating DI was given as

            DI = ( Ru - Rl)/ 0.5 N, where
            DI = discrimination index
            N = total no. of correct responses
            Ru = the number of students in the upper 27% who responded correctly
            Rl = the number of students in the lower 27% who responded correctly
            Ebel and Frisbie, (1986) rule of thumb for determining the quality of items with
            respect to their discrimination index was used in the present study. It was given

               Cut off point of Discrimination index (DI)      Quality of items
                             Above 0.40                            Excellent

                             0.30 to 0.39                           Good
                             0.20 to 0.29                          Mediocre
                             Below 0.20                              Poor
                                 0.0                           No discrimination
                           Negative value                           Worst

            2.  Justification of the study
                An  achievement  test  is  one  of  the  important  aspects  of  teaching  and
            learning process which involves both the teacher and the learner. The basic
            purpose of administering the multiple choice questions/items is to measure
            whether the students are able to understand the content of the subject matter
            of a particular subject. One of the important characteristics ofa good tests are
            the reliability and validity of the test items. It is very difficult to understand
            whether the test items are reliable and valid by simply looking at the options
            given in a test. A reliable test items is free from bias that there is no chance of
            influencing  unsystematic  errors  in  measurement  even  when  the  test  are
            administered  to  others  groups  in  different  condition  by  different
            administrators. On the other hand, validity of a test is  influences both the
            unsystematic  and  systematic  error  of  measurement.  Hence,  a  test  may  be
            reliable  without  being  valid,  but  a  test  can’t  valid  without  being  reliable.

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