Page 116 - Contributed Paper Session (CPS) - Volume 5
P. 116
CPS1137 Mamadou Youry SALL
Hereafter, we propose a less biased estimator of the number of children
enrolled per generation, say the Generational Admission Rate (GAR).
Considering the quality of the school data existing at the moment in many
countries, even the African ones, and the computer software development, it
should not be difficult to calculate this indicator.
2. Methodology
To build an educational access indicator, one must take into account four
parameters: the level in which students are enrolled, the school year, the
different ages of students and also the entry date into School, which gives
the population of k years at time t Pt, k (1)
Pt, k, d (2)
the number of schoolchildren among them at date d. Hence, the admission
rate will be, by definition:
corresponding to the proportion of children of ko years old, during the school
year t0, found in the school at various date d. This includes all members of the
generation getting into school at the normal age ko, before this age or after.
It is clear here that, simple observations don’t permit to get the accurate
number. To have this, it will be necessary to organize a census beginning from
the enrolment of the first member in the target group (generation) to the last
one. Doing this may take many years. Of course this duration is not suitable
for policymakers. Because of this difficulty, we must use statistical estimators
as indicators. To fix the ideas, let's consider now one cycle of school, with six
levels of study and seven years as normal age for the enrolment. So, the
Admission Gross Rate (AGR), which is the usual approximation of the
admission rate defined above, is:
Where, si, t, k is the number of children of k years old, enrolled during the school
year t, at level i,. Km being the youngest student’s age. We can rewrite the AGR
as following,
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