Page 121 - Contributed Paper Session (CPS) - Volume 5
P. 121

CPS1141 Mahdi Roozbeh
            see Hastie et al. (2009) and Buhlmann and van de Geer (2011), in this respect.
            In a nutshell, we consider ridge regression estimation in sparse semiparametric
            models  in  which  the  condition  p  >n  makes  some  difficulties  for  classical
            Let  (y1,x1,t1),  ·  ·  ·  ,(yn,xn,tn)  be  observations  that  follow  the  semiparametric
            regression model (SRM)
                             =   + ( ) +  ,       i =1,…,n                           (1.1)
            where  = (     ) is p-dimensional vector of observed covariates or
                                               ) is an unknown p-dimensional vector
            explanatory variables,  = (   2,...,   
            of  unknown  parameters,  the   ′  are  known  and  non-random  in  some
            bounded domain   ⊂  ℝ, ( ) is an unknown smooth function and  ′s are
            independent and identically distributed random errors with mean 0, variance
            σ   ,  which  are  independent  of ( ,  ).  The  theory  of  linear  models  is  well
            established for traditional setting p < n. With modern technologies, however,
            in  many  biological,  medical,  social,  and  economical  studies,  p  is  equal  or
            greater than n and making valid statistical inference is a great challenge. In the
            case of p < n, there is a rich literature on model estimation.
                However,  classical  statistical  methods  cannot  be  used  for  estimating
            parameters of the model (1.1) when p > n, because they would overfit the data,
            besides  severe  identifiability  issues.  A  way  out  of  the  ill-posedness  of
            estimation in model (1.1) is given by assuming a sparse structure, typically
            saying that only few of the components of  are non-zero. Estimation of full
            parametric  regression  model  in  the  case  of  p  >  n  and  statistical  inference
            afterwards, started about a decade ago. See, for example, Fan and Lv (2010),
            Shao and Deng (2012), Buhlmann (2013), Buhlmann et al. (2014) to mention a
            few.  Now,  consider  a  semiparametric  regression  model  in  the  presence  of
            multicollinearity.  The  existence  of  multicollinearity  may  lead  to  wide
            confidence intervals for the individual parameters or linear combination of the
            parameters and may produce estimates with wrong signs. For our purpose we
            only employ the ridge regression concept due to Hoerl and Kennard (1970),
            to combat multicollinearity. There are a lot of works adopting ridge regression
            methodology to overcome the multicollinearity problem. To mention a few
            recent researches in full-parametric and semiparametric regression models,
            see Roozbeh and Arashi (2013), Amini and Roozbeh (2015), Roozbeh (2015).

            2.  Classical Estimators Under Restriction
                Consider the following semiparametric regression model
                               = Χ + () + ,                           (2.1)

            where   = ( , … ,  )  , X = (x1, ..., xn)  is an n×p matrix, f(t) = (f(t1), ...,f(tn))
            and  = ( , … ,  ) . We assume that in general,  is a vector of disturbances,
            which  is  distributed  as  a  multivariate  normal,  Nn(0,  σ V  ),  where  V  is  a
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