Page 115 - Contributed Paper Session (CPS) - Volume 7
P. 115

CPS2043 Adnan Dawood K. B. et al.

                            Enhancing the efficiency of the Proxy Mean Test
                            Formula (PMTF) in targeting the poorest of the
                                            poor households
                   Adnan Dawood Khaleel Badran, Hanan Ali Mohamed Al Marzouqi, Eid
                                Mohamed Al Qubaisi, Aysha Ali Al-Hosani
                            Statistics Centre-Abu Dhabi, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates

               All targeting methods have the same goal to correctly and efficiently identify
               which  households  are  eligible  for  benefit  or  which  are  not.  There  are  six
               targeting  mechanisms  (Tools)  available  worldwide  for  Social  Safety  Net
               Programs (SSNP). The first is the Means Testing: this tool uses income as a
               source of family welfare and is used in developed countries where income is
               verified  through  special  agencies,  such  as  Tax  Departments,  Social
               Security…etc.  The  second  is  the  Categorical  Targeting:  where  eligibility  is
               determined by age, gender, or some other demographic characteristics such
               as: Disability, aged members living alone, widowed. The third method is the
               Geographic Targeting: eligibility for benefits is determined, at least partly, by
               location of residence. The geographic method could be used as first stage in
               combination with other methods, the smaller the unit used the more accurate
               (sub-districts vs. districts or districts vs. provinces) and it is more viable for
               community goods and services. The fourth method is the Community-Based
               Targeting: A community leader or group of community members decides who
               in the community should receive benefits, like use existing local actor (teacher,
               nurse,  and  clergyman)  or  civic  committee  to  identify  beneficiaries  and
               amounts, local actor may have best information, but personal relationships
               may lead to inequitable distribution. The fifth is the Self-Targeting: the good,
               or service are available for all and who ever think that he is poor, can benefit
               and get this good or service. The sixth method is the Proxy Means Testing
               Formula  (PMTF):  PMTF aims  to  predict  household  expenditure  based  on  a
               number  of  easily  observable  characteristics  (independent  variables/
               characteristics). Weights are determined for each characteristic that are found
               to be related to the household expenditure level; no need to measure the
               household income or expenditure.
               The PMTF is a statistical method used to predict the income/ expenditure of a
               household  based  on  observable  characteristics  that  correlate  with,  but  are
               easier to measure, than income/ expenditure. Measuring these variables from
               the  households  who  are  nominated  for  benefits  is  more  credible  than  the
               measurement of income or expenditure. The suggested variables/ observable
               characteristics are related to the family welfare level and these are related to:
               geographic location of the household (geographic location of the household’s

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