Page 253 - Contributed Paper Session (CPS) - Volume 7
P. 253

CPS2078 Manisah Othman et al.
               2.  Methodology
                   SUA is a balancing account that contains elements of supply and utilization.
               Elements  of  supply  include  opening  stock,  production  and  imports.  While,
               elements of utilization include exports, seed, feed, waste, processing, closing
               stock and food. Three indicators can  be generated i.e. self-sufficiency ratio
               (SSR),  imports  dependency  ratio  (IDR)  and  per  capita  consumption  (PCC)
               through which able to analyze the trend of supply and utilization of agricultural
               commodities thus evaluate the country's agricultural performance especially in
               determining sufficient food supply security.
                   Self-sufficiency ratio (SSR) can explain the extent to which the supply of
               agricultural commodities can meet domestic demand. SSR that reach 100 per
               cent or more indicates that production is sufficient to meet domestic needs.
               While, the import dependency ratio (IDR) indicate the degree of dependence
               of  a  country  on  the  import  of  agricultural  commodities  to  meet  domestic
               needs. The higher the IDR, the more supply of agricultural commodities to be
               imported. Meanwhile, for per capita consumption (PCC) refers to the amount
               of food consumption by each person per year. PCC is measured in kilograms a

               3.  Result
                   Summary of findings is described in three categories: crops, livestock and
               fisheries.  Referring  to  the  2013-2017  publication,  there  are  33  selected
               agricultural commodities listed in SUA. These include 22 selected agricultural
               commodities for crops, 5 selected agricultural commodities for livestock and
               fisheries respectively. Other commodity is reviewed base on the importance
               of the commodity on that particular of time.
               3.1 Crops
                   Out of 22 crop items, 13 are fruit items and 9 are vegetable items. Selected
               fruits  consist  of  coconut,  banana,  pineapple,  durian,  watermelon,  guava,
               papaya, sweet corn, jackfruit, rambutan, mango, mangosteen and starfruit. Of
               the 13 items of the fruits, the SSR for watermelon is highest with 151.1 per
               cent. This indicates that watermelon production is sufficient and has exceeded
               domestic demand.
                   Data in 2017 showed that 177,048.5 tonnes comprising production and
               import,  of  172,275.4  tonnes  and  4,773.1  tonnes  respectively.  The  Federal
               Agricultural Marketing Authority (FAMA) shows that the average retail price
               for  the  first  week  of  April,  July  and  October  2017  ranges  from  RM3.00  to
               RM3.15 per kilogram; stable throughout the year.
                   However, the opposite scenario faced for mango, where SSR is 25.3 per
               cent, the lowest among 13 items of fruits. The signal indicates that mango
               production is insufficient to meet domestic needs. With the lowest SSR for
               mango, statistics shows a high impact on IDR where mango IDR is 78.8 per

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