Page 254 - Contributed Paper Session (CPS) - Volume 7
P. 254

CPS2078 Manisah Othman et al.
               cent, the highest in the selected fruit category. The production of mango in
               2017 was 16,912.6 tonnes, decreased from 17,429.7 tonnes in 2016. Likewise,
               imports grew by 23.1 percent (2017; 52,751.5 tonnes & 2016; 42,843.1 tonnes).
                                    Exhibit2: Imports for selected fruits, 2013 -2017

                       300,000                                              Watermelon
                       250,000                                              Banana
                       200,000                                              Mangosteen
                       150,000                                              Coconut
                       100,000                                              Sweet corn
                        50 ,000                                             Jackfruit
                          -                                                 Starfruits
                               2013    2014     2015    2016    2017

                   SSR for pineapple is also high at 106.3 per cent while IDR pineapple is only
               0.7 per cent. This is supported by the statement that Sarawak is aiming to
               become a major pineapple producer of the country through a commercial
               pineapple  cultivation  initiative  at  Tanjung  Manis  Halal  Hub,  operated  by
               Saramanis Sdn Bhd. The success of the company as a pioneer in the project
               proved  that  pineapple  plants  in  Tanjung  Manis  not  only  expand  but  also
               provide job opportunities to locals as well as intend to venture downstream
               industries  through  the  participation  of  local  residents.  Furthermore,  it  is
               anticipated that the export of pineapples to Hong Kong will be realized in
               September  and  will  increase  the  downstream  pineapple  industry  by
               encouraging the participation of locals through contract farming programs.
                   Round cabbage most likely the popular vegetable category as it shows the
               highest per capita consumption of 5.4 per cent which mean indirectly every
               person consumed 5.4 kilograms round cabbage per year.  Supply of round
               cabbage recorded 41.8 per cent, dropped from 61.3 percent in 2016. Due to
               the reduced of supply, as an alternative measure, round cabbage imports have
               increased (IDR; 58.7 per cent compared to 39.2 per cent the previous year) to
               meet domestic needs.

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