Page 256 - Contributed Paper Session (CPS) - Volume 7
P. 256

CPS2078 Manisah Othman et al.
                            Exhibit6: Imports for selected livestocks, Malaysia, 2013-2017

                             300,000              188    20     14
                                                        33 ,417
                             250,000   40   27      34 ,130    38  ,620
                                           31  ,157
                             200,000   25 ,554                        Chicken/duck eggs
                             150,000             168,767          148,625      Mutton
                                    137,765   145,681                 Beef
                             100,000                                  Pork
                                                 16  ,089    19 ,678    18 ,135
                              50  ,000    10 ,092    11 ,449    71  ,162    67  ,999    Poultry meat
                                    46  ,295    48  ,640    56  ,209
                                    2013   2014   2015   2016   2017

               3.3 Fisheries
                   In  this  paper,  fisheries  consist  of  five  selected  items  namely  shrimp,
               mackerel,  tuna,  cuttlefish  and  crab.  The  mackerel  species  include
               Temenong/Pelaling, Tenggiri and Kembung. Since 2013, SSR for shrimp and
               cuttlefish  show  the  supply  of  this  commodity  exceeds  domestic  demand.
               Similarly, tuna and crab SSR are approaching 100 percent. This indicator shows
               sufficient supply for shrimp, cuttlefish, tuna and crab. Unfortunately, mackerel
               SSR is lower (82.9%) compared to other species. Therefore, to fulfil the demand
               for domestic needs, imports is necessary for these species. The IDR indicator
               showed an increased from 14.7 per cent in 2016 to 18.3 per cent in 2017.
               Referring  to  the  Annual  Market  Intelligence  Report  2017  issued  by  the
               Malaysian Fisheries Development Authority (LKIM), the highest quantities of
               imported species are Kembung (Table 1).
                                Table 1: Import quantities for 8 selected species
                   Spesies   Jan   Feb   Mar   Apr   May   June   July   Aug   Sept   Oct   Nov   Dec   Total
                Kembung    8,927   8,397  10,705   6,857   7,435   7,742   7,359   7,171   7,004   8,428  11,452  11,089  102,566
                Selayang   6,812   6,598   6,650   6,547   6,245   6,059   6,835   6,821   6,862   6,441   8,114   9,222  83,206
                Aya/Tongkol   3,786   4,484   4,296   3,867   4,028   3,960   4,399   4,482   4,417   5,165   4,626   4,474  51,984
                Cencaru    3,701   4,173   4,668   4,038   4,103   3,954   4,199   3,986   4,079   4,416   3,748   4,241  49,306
                Tenggiri   3,234   3,931   3,982   2,659   2,697   2,389   2,466   2,246   2,414   2,911   2,803   2,878  34,610
                Pelaling    477   419   439   436   382   322   393   416   498   360   403   382   4,927
                Bawal Putih   345   408   448   346   354   286   309   316   399   285   122   100   3,718
                Udang Putih Besar   472   77   316   73   130   405   146   152   14   72   48   179   2,084
                Jumlah    27,754  28,487  31,504  24,823  25,374  25,117  26,106  25,590  25,687  28,078  31,316  32,565  332,401
               Source: Annual Market Intelligence Report 2017, LKIM
                   It is important not only to provide adequate provision but also to provide
               sustainable sources of fisheries. It is expected that the demand for the national
               fish  will  grow  in  tandem  with  the  increase  in  population.  Therefore,  the
               demand  should  be  balanced  with  sufficient  supply.  In  accommodating the

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