Page 255 - Contributed Paper Session (CPS) - Volume 7
P. 255

CPS2078 Manisah Othman et al.
                Exhibit 3: Total production and imports   Exhibit 4: Total imports of selected vegetables, 2013 -
                of round cabbage, 2013 – 2017     2017
                   350,000                  Productio

                   300,000   301,518   277,202   n                        Imports (Tonnes)


                   250,000                          Selected vegetables      2013         2014          2015            2016        2017

                   200,000                          Spinach          513.9           461.8             426.2            469.5               606.4

                   150,000   129,148   101,258  107,708   Lady's finger        42.0             115.5             156.9             296.5             274.1

                   100,000        ,574    6 ,030         ,342    Chili   36,324.0       41,229.4         47,670.5         49,069.0          47,127.7
                   5 ,000      4 5  ,189    5 1  ,691    5 6   4   7 7   Long bean       587.9            753.7             545.6             842.0               521.6
                    -                               Round cabbage   45,188.7         51,691.3         56,574.1        64,029.5         107,707.6
                       2013   2014   2015   2016   2017      Mustard   1,333.2            4,622.5          7,032.5           6,011.2            7,709.0
                                                    Brinjal      1,595.3           5,737.5           3,886.6          4,097.3            3,493.1
                                                    Cucumberx   6,951.4            11,154.8        16,841.9          11,460.1         12,785.1
                                                    Tomato      4,156.3             5,609.1           5,987.6          2,576.6           3,618.0
               3.2 Livestock
                   Referring to the Economic Census findings in 2016, the highest value of
               the gross output is the raising, breeding & production of chicken, broiler,
               followed  by  the  production  of  chicken  eggs  and  raising,  breeding  &
               production  of  swine/pigs.  This  is  in  line  with  the  highest  statistics  of
               production of poultry meat followed by chicken/duck eggs.
                   SSR for chicken/duck eggs in 2017 is 113.7 per cent, which is 13.7 per cent
               exceeding domestic demand, unlike mutton where SSR is low at only 10.7 per
               cent. This has a direct impact on the IDR where IDR for mutton increased to
               89.3 per cent compared to 87.1 per cent in 2016.
                              Exhibit 5: SSR, IDR and PCC for selected livestock, 2013-2017

                   The per capita consumption of poultry meat in 2017 is 52 per cent, which
               means every person consumed 52 kilograms of poultry meat. From the above
               statistics,  "Is  the  production  of  poultry  meat  sufficient  to  meet  domestic
               needs?". Data showed, since 2013, SSR for poultry meat exceeded 98 per cent
               and it can be concluded that the production of poultry meat is sufficient and
               not  dependent  on  imports.  Exhibit  6  shows  that  imports  of  poultry  meat
               decreased in 2017 (-4.4%) over the previous year.

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