Page 257 - Contributed Paper Session (CPS) - Volume 7
P. 257

CPS2078 Manisah Othman et al.
               food  needs  of  these  protein  sources,  the  government  also  focuses  on
                   This  is  in  line  with  what  was  stated  in  NAP  2011-2020  where  the
               contribution  of  aquaculture  activities  has  shown  significant  growth  in  the
               production of fish in the country. This industry development is driven primarily
               by  the  development  of  Aquaculture  Industrial  Zone  equipped  with  basic
               infrastructure and effective support services. Aquaculture program will focus
               on producing quality fish and prawn seedlings, cost-effective livestock feed
               and  aquaculture-based  processing  activities.  The  total  fish  demand  is
               expected to increase from 1.3 million tonnes in 2010 to 1.9 million tonnes by
               2020 with growth of 3.8 per cent per annum. The per capita consumption of
               fish is expected to increase from 46 kilograms to 55 kilograms with growth of
               1.9 per cent per annum. Aquaculture production is projected to increase to
               790 thousand tonnes (41%) of total fish demand in the country by 2020.

               4.  Discussion and Conclusion
                    It is importance to recognise statistics as a tools and evidence based for
               development planning. Therefore, timely, accurate and reliable statistics are
               essential for the purpose of providing SUA. The SUA statistical framework for
               food commodities is a useful reference because it displays statistics on the
               supply and utilization simultaneously in the form of balance equations. The
               statistics and indicators provided illustrate the country's agricultural position,
               especially in determining adequate food supply security.
                   The  Food  and  Agriculture  Organization  of  the  United  Nations  (FAO)
               recommends  the  work  program  of  SUA  according  to  list  of  commodities
               classified by major food groups for the provision of SUA to all involved in
               agricultural data and analysis thereof. Malaysia is among the countries that
               adopted the program. The compilation of SUA started with nine agricultural
               commodities in 2010 and expanded to 33 commodities in 2017. However, the
               number of commodities is not an issue because it is based on its suitability in
               a country. For the Philippines, the 31st edition of SUA publication, reference
               year 2015 to 2017 covers 82 agricultural commodities. The publication also
               displaying  accounts  in  the  form  of  balance  equations  include  elements  of
               supply and usage.
                   Problems arise primarily on the accuracy and availability of data. For the
               provision of SUA, secondary data is collected from various agencies. Therefore,
               it  is  suggested  that  cooperation  between  agencies  should  be  further
               enhanced.  For  example,  having  a  workshop,  with  the  presence  of
               representatives from all data provider agencies, detailed discussions can be
               made  regarding  the  availability  and  sharing  of  data.  In  addition,  it  is
               recommended that for the calculation of per capita consumption, the number

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