Page 212 - Contributed Paper Session (CPS) - Volume 8
P. 212

CPS2254 Dan C.
                  around the classroom: Each paper recorded one “trial” of their successful toss
                  of sixteen “raindrops”. After having at least thirty trials recorded and up around
                  the room (all on identically-sized recording paper grids), we then entered in a
                  period of reflection: In particular, students were asked what they noticed, and
                  what they wondered about.
                      In this phase of generating new questions to pursue, the first thing many
                  students noticed was that none of the experimental results looked like the
                  typical  “one  raindrop  per  tile,  perfectly  centered  in  each  square”  which so
                  many  had  suggested  beforehand.  In  fact,  soon  the  observation  arose  that
                  most if not all of the grids up on display were without a “one raindrop per tile”
                  result (let alone the idea of being perfectly centered). This led to the obvious
                  connection: If there wasn’t “one raindrop per tile” on a grid, then by necessity
                  there must be some empty squares on that grid. Students began to wonder
                  how many empty squares were among their displayed experimental results:
                  What was the most and least number of empty squares? What was the most
                  number of raindrops in any given square?
                      As students tabulated different aspects they were interested in, based on
                  the questions about the results they raised, the notion of likelihood came up
                  by wondering what would happen if we repeated the whole experiment on
                  another day? The language of a “batch” of results was used to describe how
                  many  trials  were  on  display:  For  example,  if  there  were  thirty  grids  of
                  experimental results, we just called it a batch of thirty “trials”. If, at another
                  time, we generated a new batch of thirty results, how would students think the
                  new batch would compare to the initial batch? As an example of a specific
                  observation, students saw in their initial batch a grid with five empty squares,
                  which  seemed  surprising  to  them:  Would  we  expect  to  see  such  a  grid  in
                  another batch of thirty results?
                      During  the  next  part  of  the  intervention,  occurring  on  a  different  day,
                  instead of generating more data using physical experimentation, the dynamic
                  software  “Fathom”  was  used  (Finzer,  2000).  A  simulation  was  created  in
                  Fathom that randomly placed sixteen dots on a 4 x 4 grid, and by toggling the
                  animation  feature,  a  single  “trial”  would  unfold  so  the  dots  could  slowly
                  appear.  In showing students the animation of a single trial, it was vital for
                  students to question the veracity of the displayed result: How could they be
                  sure the computer was doing it correctly? More salient was the question: Did
                  the Fathom results look reasonable when compared to what the students had
                  just done physically? Figure 1 has an example of the end result for a single
                      After some discussion that led to the class accepting Fathom as being just
                  as unpredictable as their physical models, we then were able to use Fathom to
                  look at many trials, very quickly. In fact, whereas we had previously displayed

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