Page 227 - Contributed Paper Session (CPS) - Volume 6
P. 227

CPS1904 Tímea B. et al.

                 Figure 1 – Connection of integrated information technology systems of the
                                  Hungarian Central Statistical Office
                 The integrated information technology systems, aimed to support one or
            more sub-processes or process phases of the statistical business process can
            be positioned according the statistical business process model, more or less
            the same way as methods. This makes the connections between the methods
            and  the  information  technology  tools  more  self-evident  as  information
            technology systems are expected to implement the methods described by the
            methodological framework.
                 This  is  also  a  great  opportunity  for  statisticians  to  use  information
            technology tools that are fully in line with the guiding methodology. From
            methodological perspective, the integration of methods into the information
            technology systems and their use in practice increases the practical relevance
            of the methods proposed.
                 Plutus  indirectly  connects  with  JDemetra+  (Grudkowska,  S.,  2016),  the
            experts of the Methodology Department are needed in the management of
            the process. In the Plutus application the subject-matter domains update the
            key information of the specific time series. Based on these given metadata the
            methodological experts make the annual revision of the models with software
            JDemetra+. Furthermore during the year the data and models are refreshed
            by the subject-matter domains, supported by the methodological experts.
            In this process all participants are key players, the information technology
            tool  Plutus  cannot  replace  the  professional  knowledge  in  itself,  but  it  is
            necessary for the effective, punctual, standardised, good quality work.
                 The Hungarian Central Statistical Office also considers this is a  good
            example that the methods and information technology solutions need to go

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