Page 228 - Contributed Paper Session (CPS) - Volume 6
P. 228

CPS1904 Tímea B. et al.
                  hand-in-hand by providing in-house architectural services for the subject-
                  matter statisticians.

                  3. Details on the seasonal adjustment process
                      Seasonal  adjustment  (Mazzi,  G.  L.  (2018),  HCSO  (2017),  EUROSTAT
                  (2015a)) is an integrated step of the (Hungarian) Generic Statistical Business
                  Process Model in official statistics, therefore a proper system that guarantees
                  the uniform and high quality results is important for every National Statistical
                      In  general  we  can  say  that  seasonal  adjustment  needs  two  types  of
                  knowledge:  the  mathematicalstatistical  knowledge  which  is  extraordinarily
                  important for time series analysis, and the sound knowledge of the specific
                  time  series.  In  an  optimal  world  one  person  owns  these  knowledge  but
                  commonly this is not the case.
                      In Europe there are two main scenarios to handle seasonal adjustment.
                  One is when one person actually owns the required knowledge (mathematical-
                  statistical  and  domain-specific)  and  can  conduct  the  statistical  business
                  process  by  himself/herself  from  the  beginning  until  the  publication.  This
                  solution does not guarantee standard, accepted solutions within the entire
                  institute. The other one is the scheme of having experts of the subject-matter
                  domain fields who know without a doubt their time series and experts who
                  know everything about time series analysis (they are generally methodologist).
                      At the Hungarian Central Statistical Office the experts of the Methodology
                  Department work firmly together with the experts from the subject-matter
                  domain departments during the whole seasonal adjustment process (second
                  scenario  above).  Methodological  experts  own  the  mathematical,  statistical
                  knowledge on time series analysis and the subject-matter experts know every
                  deep detail on the subject matter and their time series. This means that the
                  Hungarian Central Statistical Office performs a centralized internal system in
                  case of seasonal adjustment process.
                      The division of labour has two big runs in every year. At the beginning of
                  a given year, before the first publication of seasonally adjusted data of the
                  year, the whole annual revision of the models is made in case of every single
                  time  series,  with  the  help  of  software  JDemetra+.  The  Methodology
                  Department is responsible for this task but key information is needed from the
                  subject-matter domains on the time series. During the year the subject-matter
                  domains update the data and models, however, this part of the work is also
                  supported  (checked,  and  if  needed,  modified)  by  the  Methodology
                      Figure 2 is an understandable flow chart representing our system during
                  a year in case of one time period where blue means tasks for the subject-
                  matter  domain  departments,  green  means  tasks  for  the  Methodology

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