Page 255 - Contributed Paper Session (CPS) - Volume 6
P. 255

CPS1909 Retius C. et al.
            we fit the GPD, Pearson type-IV and stable distributions to the standardized
            residuals from the APARCH model.
            Combining APARCH (1,1) with heavy-tailed distributions
            APARCH (1,1)-GPD model
               To  fit  the  GPD  model,  we  check  whether  the  tail  of  the  standardized
            residuals  follow  a  Pareto  distribution.  It  can  be  shown  using  the  Pareto
            quantile plot that the tail of the data is almost a straight line confirming that
            the standardized residuals may follow a generalized Pareto distribution. The
            mean excess and the parameter stability plots were used to come up with a
            reasonable high threshold . The suitable threshold must lie where there is a
            positive change in the mean excess. We use the parameter stability plot to
            check  the  threshold  where  the  parameters  are  most  stable.  The  estimated
            parameters are more stable when  ≥ 1.7. There are 635 observations above
            the threshold. Since the exceedances above the threshold cannot be assumed
            to be independent and identically distributed, declustering was performed.
               We  fit  GPD  (model  1)  to  the  declustered  exceedances.  The  maximum
            likelihood  (ML)  parameter  estimates  with  standard  errors  in  brackets  are
            obtained  as   =  -0.0647  (0.1254)  and  ̂  =  0.3793  (0.0701)  with  635
            observations in the tail. The probability plot and the quantile plot suggest that
            the exceedances seems to follow the GPD model. Thus, all the diagnostic plots
            suggest that the exceedances follows the GPD model.
            APARCH (1,1)-PIVD model
               The PIVD is fitted to the standardized residuals extracted from the APARCH
            (1,1) model with normal innovations. The parameters are estimated using the
            method of maximum likelihood. The maximum likelihood procedure is carried
            out using R package PearsonDS.  The ML estimates of the Pearson type-IV
            distribution  fitted  to  the  standardized  residuals of  the  APARCH(1,1)  model
            with  normal  innovations  are ̂ = 12.66, ̂ = 11.7361,  = −2.2198 and ̂ =
            4.2221. The calculated AD statistic value is 0.2868 with a corresponding -
            value  of  0.9477.  The  the  value  of  ̂ = 12.6666 > 0.5 ,  thus  satisfying  the
            condition for a PIVD. The AD statistic is significant, thus the PIVD is a good fit
            of the standardized residuals extracted from the APARCH(1,1) model.
            APARCH (1,1)- SD model
               The  stable  distribution  (SD)  is  also  fitted  to  the  extracted  standardized
            residuals of the APARCH (1,1) model. The model is referred to as APARCH
            (1,1)-SD model. The ML parameter estimates of a stable distribution fitted to
            the  standardized  residuals  of  APARCH  (1,1)  model  are  ̂ = 1.9163,  =
            −1.0000, ̂ = 0.6784  and   = 0.0778 .  The  calculated  AD  statistic  value  is
            1.0652  with  a  corresponding -value  of  0.3248.  The  value  of  the  index  of
            stability (̂) is 1.9163 which is less than 2. This suggested that the tail of the
            standardized  residuals  follows  a  Pareto  law  indicating  the  distribution  is
            heavy-tailed and also has infinite variance. The stable skewedness () is -1,
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