Page 254 - Contributed Paper Session (CPS) - Volume 6
P. 254

CPS1909 Retius C. et al.
                  kurtosis clearly illustrates the non-normality (asymmetric property of the log
                  returns) of the distribution. Since the p-value for Ljung-Box  statistic is less
                  than 0.05, we reject the null hypothesis of no presence of serial correlation.
                     The p-value for the ARCH Lagrange Multiple (ARCH LM) statistic is less than
                  0.05. Thus we reject the null hypothesis of absence of potential time varying
                  volatility (no arch effect) up to lag 20. These findings led to the adoption of an
                  asymmetric ARCH (APARCH) model as discussed in Section 2.
                  Asymmetric GARCH-type model fitting
                     In the first step, we fit the asymmetric GARCH type models to the returns
                  and  checks  its  adequacy  since  the  returns  have  a  significant  skewness
                  (asymmetric). The Table 2 shows the maximum likelihood parameter estimates
                  and the standard errors in brackets of the asymmetric GARCH models with
                  normal  distribution  innovation.  The  Akaike  information  criterion  (AIC)  and
                  Bayesian information criterion (BIC) model selection criteria are also reported
                  in Table 1.
                  Table 1. ML Parameter estimates of asymmetric GARCH models

                   Parameter    EGARCH (1,1)        TGARCH (1,1)        APARCH (1,1)
                        ̂     0.0005 (0.0247)**   0.0005 (0.0195)**   0.0004 (0.0048)***
                       ̂      -0.1616 (0.0000)***   0.0000 (0.0897)*   0.0002 (0.0000)***
                       ̂      -0.1023 (0.0000)***   0.0105 (0.3905) *   0.0713 (0.0000)***
                              0.9819 (0.0000)***   0.9057 (0.0000)***   0.9251 (0.0000)***
                        ̂     0.1369 (0.0000)***   0.1319 (0.0000)***   0.7932 (0.0000)***
                              -                   -                   1.0000
                   AIC          -6.1498             -6.1459             -6.1533
                   BIC          -6.1367             -6.1327             -6.1402
                  Note:  *,  **,  ***  indicates -value  that  is  significant  at  10%,  5%,  and  1%  level  of  significant
                      From Table 1, it is observed that the ML parameters estimates for the three
                  asymmetric  GARCH  models  fitted  to  the  FTSE/JSE  ALSI  log  returns  are
                  significant at least at 10% level of significance. The APARCH (1,1) model has
                  the least AIC and BIC values and is selected as the best asymmetric GARCH-
                  type model. The APARCH (1,1) model has successively captured the volatility
                  clustering  with  Ljung-Box  p-value= 0.3367 > 0.05 and  ARCH-LM  p-value=
                  0.3743 > 0.05 of the extracted standardized residuals. The model is found to
                  be able to capture the asymmetry of the returns with p-value= 0.2862 > 0.05
                  of the sign bias statistic. To check for the non-normality of the standardized
                  residuals, the Shapiro-Wilk test is employed. The standardized residuals are
                  non-normal and this is confirmed by the Shapiro-Wilk test statistics with p-
                  value = 0.0000 > 0.05 .  Thus,  justifying  using  heavy-tailed  distributions  to
                  model the extracted standardized residuals from APARCH model. In this study,

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