Page 300 - Contributed Paper Session (CPS) - Volume 6
P. 300

CPS1936 Eliza Mónica A. M.

                                    Reduced social accounting matrix for
                                            Eliza Mónica A. Magaua
                                     National Institute of Statistics of Mozambique

                  In order to measure the economic activity, it is usual to rely on the national
                  accounts data, which in principle, follows the international recommendations
                  written in the System of National Accounts, SNA. As a way to obtain one more
                  instrument to analyse the economic activity of a country and also which allows
                  for police impact analysis, the social accounting matrix, SAM, is the one that
                  provides the answer. For this paper, we propose it in its reduced form, and the
                  data is regarded the year 2016. The essence of a SAM in this work is to be
                  found by the transactions and transfers between different institutional sectors.

                  Economic activity; social accounting matrix; national accounts

                  1. Introduction
                     The social accounting matrix, SAM, is a matrix representation of the income
                  circular flow. It captures all the real transfers among industries and institutional
                  sectors   namely,   non-financial   corporations,   financial   corporations,
                  government, households and non-profit institutions serving households and
                  its interaction with the rest of the world sector. With a SAM it is possible to
                  distinguish  the  commodities,  which  in  broad  terms  are  called  goods  and
                  services, from the industries, production factors and institutional sectors. A
                  reduced  SAM  that  we  are  proposing  for  Mozambique,  will  help  in  quality
                  control  in  the  national  accounts,  as  long  as  they  are  relatively  weak  and
                  incomplete. The designation reduced is due to the fact that it will be presented
                  in aggregated terms; the details not going to be at the level of institutional
                  units  such  as  enterprises.  The  base  for  the  construction  of  a  SAM  is  the
                  Economic  Integrated  Accounting  that  represents  a  sequence  of  economic
                  accounts,  starting  from  the  current  accounts  ending  with  accumulation
                  accounts. This sequence belongs to the standard SNA, is produced by the
                  national accounts and allows for a comprehensive description of an economy
                  emphasizing the distributives aspects. National accounts constitute a product
                  of official statistics so that accuracy in its compilation is required. In fact, the
                  economic activity, the main source of income and wealth is the origin of all
                  flows that composes the network links that is established in the economy. It
                  requires intermediate inputs that are used during the productive process in

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