Page 297 - Contributed Paper Session (CPS) - Volume 6
P. 297

CPS1935 Ahmed Oulad El Fakir

            This table shows that the forecasts prepared by the HCP are of good quality
            and close to reality. This is confirmed by the relative error which is very low
            since its extreme values are only of the order of 0.3% below (for the years 2004
            and 2006) or 1.4% above (only for the year 2016).
                    The graphical representation of these differences is given as follows:

                        Absolute and relative errors committed in forecasting
               It should be noted that the greatest differences were recorded for the years
            2004, 2006 and 2016. Thus, for the year 2006, the estimated growth rate was
            5.2% but the circumstances have been different since this year saw a good
            agricultural  year  and  also  had  the  positive  effects  of  the  Early  Voluntary
            Retirement announced in 2005. In contrast, the growth rate forecast in 2016
            was overestimated and it was "called back to the order" from 2.6 % to 1.1%.
            Does this difference in results reflect the limit of the forecast exercise?
               Everyone  knows  that  an  economic  forecast  is  obtained  using  a
            mathematical model linking the set of macroeconomic variables in equations.
            But, these ingredients (variables and equations linking these variables) differ
            from one organism to another according to one's own vision to explain an
            economic phenomenon to come and prepare the recipe to face it. Moreover,
            human behavior is difficult to model and predict because it is subject to a
            behavioral bias that is difficult to master and thus makes economic life very
            uncertain. This explains the panoply of results obtained to explain the same
            variable (the growth rate of GDP).

            January of each year after the drafting of the Finance Law by the Ministry of Economy and
            Finance and its adoption by the Two-Chamber Moroccan Parliament.
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