Page 295 - Contributed Paper Session (CPS) - Volume 6
P. 295

CPS1935 Ahmed Oulad El Fakir
            Who develops economic forecasts in Morocco?
               In Morocco, several departments work out economic forecasts and publish
            figures which are sometimes far from each other. These departments are the
            Haut-Commissariat of Planning (HCP), the Ministry of Economy and Finance
            (MEF),  Bank  Al-Maghrib  (BAM  which  is  the  Moroccan  Central  Bank),  the
            Research  Centers  (including  the  Moroccan  Center  of  the  Conjoncture  -or
            CMC- which is close to the private sector’s corporates) and the International
            Financial Institutions (including the International Monetary Fund -IMF- and/or
            the World Bank).
               The production of these forecasts by several departments is laudable, but
            sometimes  it  is  confusing  and  misleading  for  economic  agents.  Some
            specialists speak about a "war of figures" which affects the credibility of the
            statistical system of our country. In this case, which department to trust: the
            MEF? the HCP? The BAM? the CMC? the IMF? or the World Bank? etc.
               In the HCP, the economic forecasting process is as follows: towards the
            summer of the current year (year t), the HCP prepares its exploratory economic
            budget for the coming year (year t + 1). It submits this report to the Ministry
            of the Economy and Finance, which is supposed to take it into account when
            preparing the budget for the coming fiscal year (accompanied by an economic
            and financial report supporting the measures to be taken, taking into account
            the national and international contexts).
               For example, for 2014, the HCP has already given a forecast of 2.4%. The
            government, meanwhile, drafted the finance law on the basis of growth rate
            of around 4.2%. For its part, the CMC forecast 2.7% as a maximum growth rate
            for GDP in Morocco. World Bank forecasts were estimated at 3.6%. Who is
            right and who is wrong? How to send signals of confidence to the national
            and foreign economic operators regarding the soundness of our economy?
               This  contrast  between  the  figures  announced  by  different  departments
            reflects  the  lack  of  coordination  and  the  gap  between  the  departments
            responsible  for  defining  and  adopting  economic  policies  (government
            departments)  and  those  responsible  for  macroeconomic  and  forecasting
            studies,  which  are  generally  non-governmental  departments  and/or
            independent of government (such as the HCP, the CMC, the IMF and the World
            Bank). Indeed, reading the figure announced by the government, a number of
            questions arise: how the government was able to base its 2014 budget on the
            assumption  of  an  ambitious  economic  growth  rate  of  4.2%  while  the
            economy’s growth is driven by domestic demand, which was hampered by a
            wage freeze, a rise in prices following decompensation and a rainfall deficit
            marking the beginning of this agricultural year (internally) and by anchoring
            external demand essentially by partners who have not yet emerged from a
            global economic crisis? What will happen to this domestic demand face to a
            higher taxation (direct and / or indirect) and a withdrawal of several public

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