Page 296 - Contributed Paper Session (CPS) - Volume 6
P. 296

CPS1935 Ahmed Oulad El Fakir
                  investments? Does the announcement of this 4.2% growth forecast in 2014
                  not require additional funding to be sought here or elsewhere? Does it not
                  reflect  an  excess  of  confidence  on  the  part  of  the  government  (this  is
                  reminiscent of the 7% growth rate announced by the ruling party during the
                  legislative campaign of 2012)?
                     This difference in forecasts stems - in part - from the different assumptions
                  adopted  by  each  party,  in  addition  to  the  ingredients  and  mathematical
                  models used to obtain these forecasts. This difference in assumptions reflects
                  the  absence  of  an  international  consensus  or  even  between  the  national
                  experts of the same country on a given economic  situation or a  particular
                  methodology. Moreover, no one can be exhaustive in determining the internal
                  and / or external factors that can affect the economic growth of a country.
                     Do forecasts meet our needs? Are these forecasts so useful even if they do
                  not meet our needs and are often far from reality? Do economists and/or
                  policy makers not feel ridiculed when the announced forecasts differ from the
                  realized numbers? Should we continue to produce these forecasts in the same
                  way that we are currently developing them? These are questions that have
                  emerged after examining the table that follows and which gives the forecasts
                  of the growth rate in Morocco between 2004 and 2018:
                  Evolution of expected and realized economic growth rates in Morocco
                               economic    Realized economic  Absolute error   Relative error of
                               growth rate   growth rate (in %)   of forecast   forecast (in %)
                                 (in %)
                      2004    3,3           4,8              -1,5            -0,3
                      2005    2,6           3                -0,4            -0,1
                      2006    5,2           7,8              -2,6            -0,3
                      2007    3             2,7              0,3             0,1
                     2008    6,1            5,6              0,5             0,1
                     2009    6,7            4,8              1,9             0,4
                     2010    4,1            3,6              0,5             0,1
                     2011    4,6            5                -0,4            -0,1
                     2012    2,4            2,7              -0,3            -0,1
                     2013    4,6            4,4              0,2             0,0
                     2014    2,5            2                0,5             0,3
                     2015    3,7            4,5              -0,8            -0,2
                     2016    2,6            1,1              1,5             1,4
                     2017    3,5            4,1              -0,6            -0,1
                     2018    2,9            3,1              -0,2            -0,1
                  Source: Economic Budget Reports , HCP

                  5  Provisional figure.
                  6  The exploratory economic budgets prepared in June of the current year give the outlook for
                  the economy for the coming year. These exploratory economic budgets are expected to be
                  modified as part of the preparation of the projected economic budgets which are prepared in
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