Page 313 - Contributed Paper Session (CPS) - Volume 6
P. 313

CPS1939 Josefina V. A. et al.

                              Integration of statistics on gender and
                           sustainable development through capability
                              Josefina V. Almeda, Ana Julia J. Macaraig
                             Philippine Statistical Research and Training Institute
                                        Quezon City, Philippines

            The  2030  Agenda  for  Sustainable  Development  and  its  17  Sustainable
            Development  Goals  (SDGs)  adopted  in  2015,  envisions  a  progressive  and
            sustainable world that leaves no one behind. In all the 17 goals, the aim to
            attain gender equality and women empowerment is essential. The integration
            of statistics on Gender and Sustainable Development is part of the capacity
            building program of the Philippine Statistical Research and Training Institute
            (PSRTI).  As  the  mandated  agency  tasked  in  the  Philippines  to  conduct
            statistical research and training, the PSRTI is expected to continuously upgrade
            the quality of statistical personnel and expand the manpower base that will
            undertake statistical work and contribute to the improvement of statistical
            activities.  The  capability  building  on  Statistics  for  Gender  and  Sustainable
            Development among personnel in the Philippine Statistical System (PSS) and
            the public make use of a training strategy that expound the importance of
            appreciating basic statistics when dealing with SDG indicators, with particular
            focus on SDG Goal 5: Achieve gender equality and empower all women and
            girls. The capability building programs also attempt to emphasize that gender
            equality should cut across all persons  - women and girls, men and boys  -
            because  by  definition,  gender  pertains  to  characteristics  and  perception
            between masculinity and femininity, these include biological sex, sex-based
            social structures, or gender identity. In ensuring the rights of all persons across
            all the goals, policies and decisions have to be evidenced-based, complete
            with statistics that are of high quality and impeccable integrity.

            sustainable development; gender statistics; gender equality; capability

            1.  Introduction
                The  Sustainable  Development  Goals  (SDGs),  otherwise  known  as  the
            Global Goals, are a universal call to action to end poverty, protect the planet
            and ensure that all people enjoy peace and prosperity, that no one will be left
            behind. There are 17 Goals that resulted on the successes of the Millennium
            Development  Goals,  while  including  new  areas  such  as  climate  change,
            economic inequality, innovation, sustainable consumption, peace and justice,
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