Page 314 - Contributed Paper Session (CPS) - Volume 6
P. 314

CPS1939 Josefina V. A. et al.
                  among  other  priorities.  These  goals  are  interconnected,  where  the  key  to
                  success of one will involve tackling issues more commonly associated with
                  another. It is on this premise that the goal of attaining gender equality and
                  women empowerment can be associated with. Although there may be that
                  prevailing  idea  that  the  topic  of  gender,  whether  on  equality  or  its
                  development, is exclusively for women and girls.
                      Gender is a whole lot more. It is not only for equality for women or girls; it
                  is also for the men or boys as well. The need for high quality statistics that will
                  echo  the  basis  for  policy  and  decision-making  are  important.  Equally
                  important is the integration of statistics in capacity building programs that are
                  well understood and easily appreciated.
                      The  Philippine  Statistical  Research  and  Training  Institute  (PSRTI)  is  the
                  mandated  agency  tasked  to  conduct  statistical  research  and  capability
                  building endeavors, including those topics dealing on Statistics for Gender and
                  Sustainable  Development.  The  clientele  or  targeted  participants  of  these
                  trainings are personnel in the Philippine Statistical System (PSS) and the public.
                  The  PSS  is  composed  of  national  government  agencies  that  deal  with
                  statistics/statistical data, either as a data producer or data user. Its main task
                  is to deliver quality statistical information to the public.
                      The PSRTI is expected to continuously upgrade the quality of statistical
                  personnel and expand the manpower base that will undertake statistical work
                  and contribute to the improvement of statistical activities.  Every year, the
                  agency offers regular training courses on Statistics from the most fundamental
                  to the more advanced tools.
                      In  developing  the  training  materials  on  Statistics  for  Gender  and
                  Sustainable  Development,  PSRTI  collaborated  with  statistical  experts,  data
                  producers, and data users. The purpose of the training is to teach concepts
                  and methods encompassing social concerns regarding gender issues, and link
                  them to the technical and methodological aspects of statistics production and
                  use. Specifically, the training objectives are (i) awareness of the Sustainable
                  Development Goals with focus on Gender Equality; (ii) incorporation of gender
                  perspective in all stages of the data production process; (iii) identification of
                  gender  issues  (iv)  integration  of  statistics  on  gender  and  sustainable
                  development; and (v) formulation of policies.
                      The capability-building course on Statistics for Gender and Sustainable
                  Development is a 5-day training from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. (40 hours).  The
                  target-training participants are policy-makers, planners, gender experts, the
                  public,  national  and  international  development  agencies,  NGOs,  research
                  institutes, and media practitioners. Knowledge of basic computer operations
                  is required and data management using MS Excel® is a pre-requisite to this

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