Page 319 - Contributed Paper Session (CPS) - Volume 6
P. 319

CPS1939 Josefina V. A. et al.
            3.  Conduct of the Capability Training
                Each capability-training begins with levelling of training expectations on
            the  course,  resource  speaker,  and  co-participants.    A  pre-test  follows  to
            determine the level of knowledge of the participants on the course coverage.
            It is a 25 item multiple-choice type of exam with four possible answers.  No
            participant’s name appears on the exam paper but codes are used instead, for
            post-test matching purposes.
                Each  participant  has  a  desktop  or  a  laptop  for  his/her  own
            referencing/viewing of the lecture notes and workshop activities.  There is also
            provision of flash drives containing pdf copies of all the lectures.  Training
            modes are lecture, discussion, workshop, presentation, and commenting on.
            For each main topic, participants work on exercises or workshops.  There are
            hands-on exercises using MS Excel in the computation of summary measures
            and  construction  of  charts.    For  the  workshops,  the  grouping  of  the
            participants is according to offices/agencies or by sector.  Each group need to
            identify a gender issue, identify data sources and indicators, compute for some
            summary  measures,  construct  charts,  and  finally  crafting  a  possible  policy
            addressing the gender issue.
                The final part of the training is the workshop presentation of each group.
            The resource person and another expert comment on the output after each

            4.  Training Evaluation and Next Steps
                The training ends with a post-test and an evaluation of the training course,
            resource persons, facilities, and food.  Each participant receives a certificate of
            completion  if  he  or  she  has  attended  90%  of  the  total  training  hours.
            Otherwise, only a certificate of attendance is received.
                The PSRTI had conducted three capacity building on Statistics for Gender
            and Sustainable Development in 2017, and another one for 2018.  A total of
            80 participants attended these trainings, with 30 men and 50 women. The
            agencies and sectors they represent are diverse, ranging from government
            agencies,  academe,  private  sector,  local  government  units,  and  non-
            government organizations.  The level of satisfaction in the training program,
            resource person, and over-all conduct of each capacity-building course has a
            rating  ranging  from  satisfactory  to  very  satisfactory.  There  were
            recommendations on lengthening the time allocation for workshops as most
            participants find the exchange of opinions and ideas relevant to their own
            situations  and  challenges  they  face  in  terms  of  gender  discrimination  and
                The results of test scores on the pre-test and post-test were significant at
            0.05 level of significance.  The post-test scores were relatively higher than the

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