Page 316 - Contributed Paper Session (CPS) - Volume 6
P. 316

CPS1939 Josefina V. A. et al.
                     "Statistics are no substitute for judgment." by Henry Clay
                     "It is a capital mistake to theorize before one has data." by Sir Arthur
                     Conan Doyle
                  On gender equality, here are some good quotations:
                     "Gender  equality  is  more  than  a  goal  in  itself.    It  is  a  precondition  for
                     meeting the challenge            of reducing poverty, promoting sustainable
                     development and building good governance."              by Kofi Annan
                     "Any serious shift towards more sustainable societies has to include
                     gender equality."             by Helen Clark
                     "It is time that we all see gender as a spectrum instead of two sets of
                     opposing ideals."             by Emma Watson
                     "No country can truly develop if half of its population is left behind." by
                     Justine Greening
                         There is clear distinction of important concepts like gender and sex by
                     providing definitions, graphics, and illustrations.  Sex is the biological and
                     physiological characteristics that define women and men.  It is permanent
                     and the categories are Female-Male.  On the other hand, gender refers to
                     roles, behavior, and activities assigned by society to women and men and
                     boys and girls.  It can change over time with changes in culture and others
                     categorize  it  as  Feminine  –  Masculine  or  Lesbian,  Gay,  Bisexual,
                     Transgender, and Queer.
                         The common notion about the term ‘gender statistics’ surfaced
                     during capability trainings.  Many participants think that these only
                     refer  to  numerical  figures  about  women.    The  purpose  of
                     distinguishing the terms gender and sex is to stress that policy and
                     research interest is usually in gender, not sex,  but examination of
                     data by sex, is the means to making gender-based analyses.  Cross-
                     classification of data by sex, presents information separately for men
                     and  women,  boys  and  girls.    In  addition,  sex-disaggregated  data
                     reflect roles, real situations, general conditions of women and men,
                     girls and boys in every aspect of society.
                         The  lecture  presents  the  different  SDGs  with  gender-related
                     indicators.   To    appreciate    the    gender-related     sustainable
                     development goal indicators, the lecture provides actual data using
                     infographics that are meant to explain the information simply and

                  Examples of Gender-related indicators data:
                  For Goal 1: End poverty in all its forms everywhere
                      •   4.4 million more women than men live in extreme poverty globally

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