Page 196 - Invited Paper Session (IPS) - Volume 1
P. 196

IPS131 Maria G. M. et al.
                  1.  Council of Europe (2011). Council of Europe Convention on preventing
                      and combating violence against women and domestic violence.
                  2.  Council of Europe (2011). CETS 210 Explanatory Report to the Council of
                      Europe Convention on preventing and combating violence against
                      women and domestic violence.
                  3.  OCSE, Paris21, National Strategies for the Development of Statistics
                      Guidelines, Guidelines for the elaboration of a National Strategy for the
                      Development of Statistics. April 2018
                  4.  WeWorld, “violenza sulle donne. non c’è più tempo. quanto vale
                      investire in prevenzione e contrasto.  Analisi SROI (social return on
                      investment) delle politiche d’intervento“, February, 2017

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