Page 243 - Invited Paper Session (IPS) - Volume 1
P. 243

IPS152 Paul F.
            instruments issued by SPEs. Section 5 concludes with the need to carry on
            sharing data and the importance of SPEs typology .

            2.  IMF SPE’s definition and its implementation in Luxembourg
                An  SPE,  resident  in  an  economy,  is  a  formally  registered  and/or
            incorporated legal entity recognized as an institutional unit,
            SPEs transact almost entirely with non-residents and a large part of their
            financial  balance  sheet  typically  consists  of  cross-border  claims  and
                All  Luxembourg  financial  institutions  are  formally  registered.  Amongst
            them, which units looking like a captive financial institution would pass the
            institutional unit test? In the example below, a MNE makes an investment from
            country A to country C by setting up three entities in Luxembourg.
            - S.1271, directly controlled by country A, is definitely an institutional unit .
            - S.1272 theoretically may not pass the institutional unit test. However this is
            of little relevance for External Sector Statistics, because it only has domestic
            assets and liabilities.
            - S.1273, is indirectly controlled by country A and has a claim on country C. It
            may not pass the test either but the claim of S.127 Luxembourg to country C
            would remain, even if the entities were consolidated.
                Thus, a strict delineation of institutional units among captive entities does
            not  prove  essential  for  Luxembourg  External  Sector  Statistics.  The  picture
            would change if, say, S.1271 would be a non-financial company S.11. Then all
            three  Luxembourg  units  would  need  to  be  consolidated  and  the  claim  to
            country C would not be a claim of S.127 but a claim of S.11.

            2  This note does not touch upon the (important) question of SPEs output.
            3  SNA 2008 § 26.27 “Legal entities (...) are not combined if they are resident in different

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