Page 244 - Invited Paper Session (IPS) - Volume 1
P. 244

IPS152 Paul F.
                  SPEs have no or little employment up to maximum of five employees, no
                  or little physical presence and no or little physical production in the host
                      Most Luxembourg captive financial institutions have no employment and
                  very few Luxembourg SPEs have more than five employees. The assessment of
                  SPEs employment is based on:
                      -  Employment in the statistical business register,
                      -  Non-zero  staff  cost  in  the  profit  &  loss  account,  staff  costs  usually
                         reflecting  the  compensation  of  directors.  Some  directors  may
                         participate in several boards.
                      However, not the companies themselves but providers of financial services
                  (accounting, auditing, etc...) perform work on behalf of their SPEs clients. Those
                  providers of financial services have indeed a physical presence in Luxembourg.
                  It would therefore be a bit misleading to argue that SPEs “do not generate
                  employment”, without taking into account this indirectly generated economic
                  activity .

                  SPEs are directly or indirectly controlled by non-residents.
                      Table  below  summarises  the  SPEs  status  of  Luxembourg  financial
                  institutions  Most  Luxembourg  captive  financial  institutions  are  directly  or
                  indirectly owned by non-residents. This ownership through a lasting interest
                  (defining a Direct Investment) is the most common proxy for control between
                  two institutional units. By contrast, Luxembourg Investment Funds are typically
                  not held by direct investors “controlling” the entity but instead by minority
                  investors,  which  makes  them  non-SPEs .  Last,  Securitization  Vehicles  are
                  usually held by direct investors, but the main part of their liability is made of
                  debt securities (Portfolio Investment).

                  SPEs are established to obtain specific advantages provided by the host
                  jurisdiction with an objective to (i) grant its owner(s) access to capital
                  markets or sophisticated financial services; and/or (ii) isolate owner(s)
                  from financial risks; and/or (iii) reduce regulatory and tax burden; and/or
                  (iv) safeguard confidentiality of their transactions and owner(s).
                      This part of the definition does not refer to objective criteria such as the
                  structure of a balance sheet or a concrete business model. It touches upon the
                  competitiveness  of  each  jurisdiction  and  is  therefore  much  less

                  4  The same goes for Investment Funds, which strictly have zero employment but still bring about
                  labour intensive activity (custodian banks, transfer agents, fund administrations).
                  5  In addition, a European convention (that the ECB suggested as a research topic in IMF External
                  Sector  Statistics)  stipulates  that  all  investment  fund  shares  should  be  classified  as  Portfolio

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