Page 246 - Invited Paper Session (IPS) - Volume 1
P. 246

IPS152 Paul F.
                  continue  in  the  next  few  years .  Second,  US  MNEs  withdraw  capital  from
                  Luxembourg further to the 2017 US tax reform.

                  logy of Luxembourg SPEs
                                           Total      3.1 -   3.2 - pure    3.3 -   3.4 - loan
                       Label and functional         conduits   holdings   intragroup   origination
                    category (for RoW part)                               lending
                                         2016    2018   2016  2018   2016   2018   2016   2018   2016  2018
                    Total assets       9 599   8 577   891   696  3 415  2 707  5 204   5 096   90   78
                    Debt securities held   PI   321   397   131   177   2   3   170   198   18   18

                    Participating   DI   6 819   6 152   342   221   3 283  2 616  3 167   3 293   27   22
                    Loans to affiliates*   DI**   2 276   1 846   380   278   120    86  1 736   1 450   40   32
                    Other assets    DI   183   182   38   20    10    1   131   155   5   5
                    Total liabilities       9 600   8 577   891   696  3 415  2 707  5 204   5 096   90   78

                    Debt securities   PI   1 115   973   720   515    16    17   360   419   19   21
                    Capital         DI   5 831   5 167   86   94   3 181  2 427  2 551   2 632   12   13
                    Loans from      DI   2 510   2 209   63   85    217    182  2 184   1 905   47   36
                    Other liabilities   OI   144   228   22   1    1   80   109   140   12   7
                  * to non affiliates for 3.4
                  ** OI for 3.4
                  Source: BCL, Billions €

                  3.1 Entities  issuing  debt  securities  (other  than  securitization  vehicles)
                      Those entities are further broken down into two subgroups:
                  -  Some  companies  issue  debt  securities  on  open  markets  and  lend  the
                     proceeds inside the group.
                  -  Some  other  companies  issue  more  sophisticated  instruments  (e.g.
                     certificates), classified as debt securities, not necessarily on open markets.
                  This model has been declining since 2017.

                  3.2 Pure holdings
                      Some other entities have a basic wealth management structure, i.e. issue
                  capital and hold participating interests. This model has been declining since
                  2017 as well.

                  3.3 Entities performing intragroup lending
                  More  diversified  entities  also  take  and  grant  loans  inside  the  group.  Debt
                  instruments,  overall  loans,  are  classified  Direct  Investment.  The  model  has
                  remained stable since 2016.

                    BEPS does not directly touch upon the most significant part of Luxembourg financial industry,
                  i.e. deposit-taking corporations, Money Market Funds, Investment funds, Securitization Vehicles
                  or Insurance Corporations.
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