Page 247 - Invited Paper Session (IPS) - Volume 1
P. 247

IPS152 Paul F.
            3.4 Entities performing loan origination
                Finally, some entities grant loan to non-affiliated entities. Their magnitude
            is much smaller than that of the three previous types. Loans outside the group
            are classified Other Investment.
                In  addition,  main  counterpart  countries  for  operations  of  Luxembourg
            SPEs are US, GB, IE and NL. Operations with US have been declining since 2017,
            probably because of the tax reform.

            4.  Selected methodological issues on SPEs statistics
            Luxembourg survey strategy on captive financial institutions
                Captive Financial Institutions provide the BCL with a monthly security-by-
            security report and a quarterly full balance sheet. The BCL is therefore in a
            position to keep track of large and frequent balance sheet movements in an
            efficient  manner.  In  a  nutshell,  the  BCL  collects  positions  and  derives
            transactions. An ad hoc editing system spots large variations of positions (at a
            monthly basis on security items and on a quarterly basis for remaining items).
            There are indeed some blurred lines between transactions and price effects. A
            super dividend or a share premium would bring about a transaction, while an
            impairment would generate a price effect.

            Editing system for SPEs operations
                Luxembourg  SPEs  hold  and  issue  illiquid  financial  instruments.  The
            integration of those institutions to Luxembourg b.o.p./i.i.p. requires an ad hoc
            editing system, at semi aggregate and aggregate levels.

            - Semi aggregate level
                As has been previously emphasized, MNEs set up a network of financial
            institutions in Luxembourg. The network as a whole, takes external liabilities

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