Page 245 - Invited Paper Session (IPS) - Volume 1
P. 245

IPS152 Paul F.
            straightforward.  Do  businesses  invest  in  Luxembourg  because  of  light
            regulatory burden, low taxes, skill of the workforce, political stability, or other
            criteria? Only a qualitative survey could theoretically answer those questions.
            As  for  (iii),  captive  financial  institutions  do  not  fall  under  the  control  of
            Luxembourg  supervisory  body.  The  same  goes  for  most  Luxembourg
            Securitization Vehicles and for some Investment Funds.

            SPEs status of selected Luxembourg financial institutions
                                  Supervised               Controlled by direct  SPE   /
                                                           investors/held  by   Non SPE
                                                           minority investors
                                  Yes          No
             S.124   Invest. Funds  Biggest    Non-        Minority investors/   Non SPE
                                  part of the   Regulated   Investment fund
                                  population   Alternative   shares liability<->
                                               Investment   Portfolio
                                               Fund        Investment

             S.125   Overall      Vehicles     Largest part  Minority investors /   Non SPE
                    Securitizatio  Issuing     of the      Debt securities
                    n. Vehicles   debt on      population   issued <->Portfolio
                                  open                     Investment
             S.127   Captive                   Complete    Equity directly or   SPE
                    Financial                  population   indirectly held by a
                    Institutions                           foreign institution
                                                           or foundation <->
                                                           Direct investment

            3.  Luxembourg SPE’s typology (IMF report - Annex VI)
                Luxembourg SPE aggregate balance sheet declines slightly in 2017 and
            more significantly in 2018. Following IMF  report’s typology, we distinguish
            between four main groups of SPEs: Conduits and pure holdings models are
            declining,  while  the  intra  group  lending  model  is  much  more  stable.  The
            decline  is  mainly  explained  by  two  factors:  First,  Luxembourg  signed  the
            Multilateral Convention to Implement Tax Treaty Related Measures to Prevent
            BEPS (Base Erosion and Profit Shifting) in June 2017. The progressive phasing
            out  of  some  financing  arrangements  incompatible  with  BEPS  will  probably

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