Page 248 - Invited Paper Session (IPS) - Volume 1
P. 248

IPS152 Paul F.
                  and  holds  approximately  a  similar  amount  of  external  assets  (capital  “in
                  transit”),  thus  generates  balanced  positions  (i.i.p.),  and  transactions  (b.o.p.-
                  financial accounts) . How to identify the networks, ie how to group together
                  Luxembourg affiliates of a single MNE?
                      The BCL’s main source for  this task  is internal: i.e. companies’ financial
                  statements and survey data. Yet Eurostat Enterprise Group Register (EGR) also
                  covers an increasing number of companies.

                  Number of Luxembourg financial institutions set up by MNEs
                  December 2018
                                                    BCL survey             Covered by EGR
                                            Number of   Number of    Number of   Number of
                                            groups     institutions   groups     institutions
                  1 to 5 LU institutions in the
                  group                           1 310         2 319        691         1 227
                  6 to 10                            81           600         41           314
                  11 to 15                           31           389         15           187
                  More than 15                       22           503          3            51
                  Total                           1 444         3 811        750         1 779
                  Source BCL, Eurostat (EGR)
                  - Aggregate level
                      SPEs overall contribute to five “blocks”, i.e. DI equities A/L, DI loans A/L
                  and PI debt securities L. In 2018Q4, significant withdrawals of capital generate
                  the decline of gross SPEs positions.

                  Flow  /  stock  reconciliation  of  Luxembourg  SPEs  -  External  Statistics
                  2018 Q4
                   Billions of euros       Assets                         Liabilities

                   *Other = Price   Position   Trans.   FX   Other*   Position   Position   Trans.   FX   Other*   Position
                   effect and Other   2018 3           2018 4   2018 3                 2018 4
                   Volume Change
                   Total- Captive   5 488   -254   32   -64   5202   5524   -291   25   -25   5233
                   fin. Inst. / RoW
                   Direct      5 137   -250   30   -45   4871   4506   -233   20   -22   4271
                   Equity      3 880   -166   22   -43   3694   2954   -176   17   -17   2777
                   Loans       1 257   -85   8   -2    1178   1553    -57   3   -5    1493
                   Portfolio   154    -11   1   -3     141    755     -53   5   -3    704
                   Equity &    101    -11   1   -3     88
                   investment fund
                   ST debt     8      1     0   0      9      13      0     0   -1    12
                   LT debt securities   45   -1   0   0   44   714    -54   5   -3    662
                   Financial   198    7     1   -16    190    262     -4    0   0     258
                   derivatives and

                  7  Along with balanced investment income (not described in this note).
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