Page 391 - Invited Paper Session (IPS) - Volume 1
P. 391

IPS173 Athanasios Petralias et al.
            1.  Introduction
                The  Greek  Shipping  Estimation  Model  aims  to  provide  a  coherent
            statistical  framework  to  estimate  Balance  of  Payments  items  related  to
            shipping activity, based on administrative sources and commercial databases.
            Given  the  multi-territorial  nature  of  the  shipping  sector  and  the  complex
            group structures, the estimation of the shipping activity is one of the most
            challenging tasks in terms of official statistics. This is of particular importance
            to Greece, since its merchant fleet has a strategic role in the transportation of
            the trade and energy of many regions in the world and of the EU and shipping
            activities  turnover  contributes  significantly  to  Greece’s  Current  Account
            Balance and the GDP. The statistical framework presented in the current study,
            can well be applied by other countries for Balance of Payments purposes, as
            well as by researchers and analysts seeking to estimate revenues and expenses
            related to shipping activity.
                In the Greek Shipping Estimation model a granular level approach is used,
            with vessel by vessel characterization. A three-stage approach is taken. Firstly,
            the  cluster  is  defined,  the  main  counterparts  and  the  types  of  Balance  of
            Payments (BOP) transactions that take place and can be estimated. Secondly,
            the population is defined, including legal owner companies, operator/ship-
            manager companies and the vessels to be taken into account. Finally, all BOP
            transactions for a particular vessel are estimated on a monthly basis.

            2.  Methodology
                The first step is to define the structure of the shipping cluster. The structure
            presented  in  Figure  1  refers  to  the  case  of  Standard  Ship  Management
            Agreement. This has been identified as the most common scenario for the
            Greek  shipping  cluster,  associated  with  shipping  companies  engaged  to
            international  carriage  of  goods  by  sea,  but  applies  in  general  to  cases  of
            standard ship management agreements. The structure of the cluster has been
            compiled by combining information from: (a) detailed banking transactions
            data recorded in BOP, (b) contacts with associated banks, shipping experts and
            companies and (c) commercial databases.

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