Page 396 - Invited Paper Session (IPS) - Volume 1
P. 396

IPS173 Athanasios Petralias et al.
                  These fees typically depend on Gross/Net Tonnage or Length and duration of
                  stay. Duration of  stay can  be calculated either on basis of the commercial
                  databases (on basis of last arrival day and last sailed date by vessel), or use
                  average time in port, provided by the port.
                     To  calculate  Manning  costs  we  attribute  to  each  vessel,  the  expected
                  manning  cost,  depending  on  their  type,  deadweight  and  age,  on  basis  of
                  Drewry  data  that  have  been  cross-checked  with  International  Transport
                  Workers’  federation  “TCC”  collective  agreements.  Commercial  databases
                  provide for the majority of vessels total number of crew by nationality, as well
                  as number of officers and ratings. On basis of these data we calculate the
                  distribution of number of ratings and officers by ethnicity and vessel type. In
                  the final step we allocate the manning cost of each vessel to the respective
                  ethnicity, weighted by the ratio of the rates received by officers with respect
                  to rest of crew.
                     Drewry  reports  average  vessels’  Insurance  costs,  Repair  &  Maintenance
                  costs, Dry  docking  costs,  Stores,  spares  and  lubricant  oils  costs,  Flag  state
                  expenses and Administrative costs by vessel type, deadweight and age. Thus,
                  the respective costs are attributed to the respective vessels in the registry.
                  Note that with respect to repairs, commercial databases indicate whether a
                  vessel is "In Casualty or Repairing" or "Converting/Rebuilding" and thus we
                  assign the respective Dry Docking costs to the port dry docking and repair
                  takes place.
                     Turning  to  the  transactions  between  the  Commercial  Operator  and  the
                  Legal owner, management fees by type, size and age of vessel are obtained
                  from Drewry. Net freight earnings are paid by the Commercial Operator to the
                  legal owner (see Figure 1). We calculate net freight earnings, by subtracting
                  from the total freight revenues all the vessel’s expenses that are paid by the
                  commercial  operator  both  inside  the  country  and  outside  the  country,  i.e.
                  manning,  insurance,  stores,  spares  and  oils,  maintenance  and  drydocking
                  costs, flag and voluntary tax, administrative expenses (except management
                  fees that are considered as income to the operator), bunker costs and port

                           Net freight earnings = Freight revenues - Vessel’s voyage and operating

                     Then,  on  basis  of  the  commercial  databases  we  find  the  country  of
                  registration of the legal owner (SPC/SPV) that receives the net freight earnings
                  from  the  commercial  operator.  Net  freight  earnings  enter  the  Balance  of
                  Payments as imports of sea transport services.

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