Page 393 - Invited Paper Session (IPS) - Volume 1
P. 393

IPS173 Athanasios Petralias et al.
            vessel and also receives the loan drawdowns and pays capital installments and
            interest. Also, the ship owning company pays dividends to the shareholders.
            In case a mother-holding company exists, it is typically the mother-holding
            company who distributes the dividends to the shareholders, after collecting
            the earnings from all the SPCs/SPVs of the group.
               Economic  owner  of  the  vessel  (i.e.  the  good,  which  is  associated  with
            imports/exports and the capital costs) is the legal owner (SPC/SPV). The ship
            management company acts for and on behalf of the ship owning company
            (SPC/SPV). However the ship management company provides the commercial
            operation of the vessel, i.e. the transport service and is responsible for the
            commercial decisions concerning the employment of the ship, and provides
            also management services.
               The second step is to define the population of vessels to be included in the
            cluster. In order to define the population and estimate the relevant items of
            the  Balance  of  Payments  we  have  used  an  exhaustive  list  of  databases,
            domestic and international, and additional valuable information from relevant
            maritime legislation, governmental sources and shipping experts both from
            the  academia  and  the  industry.  The  main  data-sources  used  include  IHS
            Maritime and Trade and Lloyd’s List intelligence databases, providing monthly
            data on a vessel basis for various types of ownership, vessel characteristics,
            new  deliveries/deaths,  crew  and  port  movement;  Ministry  of  Mercantile
            Marine,  Aegean  and  Island  policy  data  with  a  list  of  the  management
            companies  established  in  the  country;  Clarksons  Shipping  Intelligence
            Network with detailed monthly time charter rate data by type of vessel and
            size; Drewry with data regarding operating expenses by vessel type and build
            year; World Bunker Prices and pricing policy of largest ports worldwide which
            is available in their websites. Note that whenever a variable appears in more
            than one database, cross-validations are performed. The above are the main
            data-sources used for the needs of the compilation of Balance of Payments
            items. Various other databases were also consulted for developing the Greek
            Shipping  Estimation  Model,  including  the  Greek  Shipping  Directory,  a
            traditional domestic database for Greek shipping; Bloomberg; Greek Maritime
            Laws; BIMCO types of agreements; UNCTAD; ITF types of agreements; Petrofin;
            data collected by companies involved in the shipping sector and other.
               For each vessel there exist one or many linked companies, including the
            legal  (registered)  owner,  the  shipmanager,  the  commercial  operator,  the
            beneficial owner and potentially the technical manager and/or the third party
            operator. The relationships among the different players are very complex and
            identifying their roles is not always easy, having in mind that in the commercial
            databases are used definitions and terminology not always aligned with the
            statistical ones.

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