Page 394 - Invited Paper Session (IPS) - Volume 1
P. 394

IPS173 Athanasios Petralias et al.
                     According to BOP compilation manuals and guidelines and given the Task
                  Force on the recording and compilation of maritime transactions consultation,
                  in the majority of cases, the economic ownership can be identified on the basis
                  of the transport agreement among the legal shipowner (SPC/SPV) and the
                  operator/shipmanager. There have been identified three representative cases
                  of agreements: Time or Voyage Charter (Case A); Standard Bareboat Charter
                  (Case  B)  and  Standard  Management  Agreement  (Case  C).  Note  that  as
                  described above, the Standard management Agreement (Case C), is the most
                  common for the Greek case.
                     In cases of Time or Voyage Charter (Case A) and in Standard Management
                  Agreement  (Case  C),  the  legal  shipowner  (SPC/SPV)  is  considered  as  the
                  economic owner of the vessel. The operator/management company acts for
                  and on behalf of the legal shipowner; the legal shipowner receives earnings
                  from the economic activity (in terms of daily fee in Case A and net freight
                  earnings in Case C), whereas the asset (vessel) and the liabilities are attributed
                  to the legal shipowner (SPC/SPV).
                     In  cases  of  Standard  Bareboat  Chartering  Agreement,  the  economic
                  ownership  can  be  transferred  by  the  legal  shipowner  to  the  operator
                  (chartered) of the vessel, depending on the conditions set in the agreement
                  and whether they fulfill the indicative criteria set in the compilation manuals.
                  In view of the above the population included in the registry relevant for the
                  Greek Shipping Estimation Model is determined as follows. (A) Cases for which
                  gross revenues and expenditures related to shipping services are included in
                  the Greek BOP: Based on the list of management companies provided by the
                  Ministry of Maritime, identify the companies and their vessels, which are listed
                  in the commercial databases as commercial operators with country of domicile
                  Greece  (checking  logical  coherence  between  the  databases).  Exclude  from
                  these cases the third party operator is abroad. (B) Cases for which economic
                  ownership lies in Greece and import/exports of vessels (as well as shipping
                  services)  are  included  in  BOP:  Identify  ship  owning  companies  and  their
                  vessels, with country of registration of legal owner Greece. Exclude from these
                  cases  there  is  bareboat chartering abroad.  Include  cases  there  is  bareboat
                  chartering in Greece (these are rare/few cases for the Greek case). The vessel’s
                  registry is updated on a monthly basis by incorporating the new information
                  of the commercial databases.
                     The third step is, given the population of vessels included in the shipping
                  registry, to calculate revenues and expenditures by vessel, coded by BOP item
                  and counterpart country. Types of expenditures that need to be calculated
                  (see Figure 1) include Bunkers/fuel cost, Port Expenses, Manning costs, Vessel
                  Insurance  costs,  Maintenance  and  dry  docking  costs,  Stores,  spares  and
                  lubricant oils costs, Flag state expenses and voluntary tax and Administrative
                  costs. Also transactions among the Commercial Operator and the Legal owner

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