Page 398 - Invited Paper Session (IPS) - Volume 1
P. 398

IPS173 Athanasios Petralias et al.
                     Figure 3: Distribution of shipping operating and voyage costs paid
                                               abroad (2018Q4)

                      With  regards  to  the  distribution  of  vessel  operating  and  voyage  costs
                  (Figure 3), in the 4th quarter of 2018, 53% of the total vessel expenses paid
                  abroad were attributed to bunkers, stores, spares and oils, 23% to crew wages,
                  13%  to  port,  administrative  and  tax  expenses,  8%  to  maintenance  &  dry
                  docking costs and 3% to insurance costs.

                  4.  Discussion and Conclusion
                      We have developed a comprehensive framework for calculating all Balance
                  of  Payments  items  related  to  the  shipping  activity.  The  Greek  Shipping
                  Estimation  Model  is,  to  our  knowledge,  the  first  holistic  methodological
                  attempt in the EU, to estimate on basis of statistical modelling all Balance of
                  Payments (BOP) items related to shipping activity, using commercial databases
                  in conjunction with administrative data.
                      It  is  clear  that  in  order  to  perform  such  a  task,  there  were  significant
                  challenges  to  overcome,  since  a  new  methodological  approach  had  to  be
                  developed,  specific  for  each  BOP  item.  Also  in  practical  terms,  combining
                  information  from  many  different  and  large  databases,  required  database
                  subscriptions, advanced statistical programming and big data management.
                  Indicatively, detailed estimates by vessel, have been produced for all vessels’
                  revenues and expenses (by BOP item) and by counterpart country. Moreover,
                  a detailed transaction tool has been developed, to transform these estimates
                  to approximately 200,000 transactions every month to enter the Balance of
                      The  model  needs  to  be  continuously  updated  to  meet  the  changing
                  shipping environment. Besides the fact that even the commercial databases
                  are changing over the time their fields (i.e. new indices are published and

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