Page 399 - Invited Paper Session (IPS) - Volume 1
P. 399

IPS173 Athanasios Petralias et al.
            others  stop  reporting;  new  types  of  vessels  appear),  the  mobility  of  the
            shipping business sector is continuously growing. The increased competition
            from Eastern countries, in conjunction with the new environmental framework
            for the shipping sector and the developments in the world trade, cause many
            shipping companies (especially SPC/SPVs) to close an others to open even on
            a daily basis, purchases, sales and conversions/rebuilds of vessels to increase
            (including new eco-friendly types), new routes to open and high volatility in
            freight rates and operating expenses.
                The  Greek  Shipping  Estimation  Model  can  be  readily  applied  by  other
            member states, as well as countries outside EU, to estimate some or all of the
            items  in  Balance  of  Payments,  related  to  shipping  activity.  We  believe  the
            current methodological framework can set new standards in official statistics,
            in terms of both using statistical modelling to incorporate information from
            commercial databases, as well as on how to handle off-shore companies when
            there is no information on their income and expenses. Finally, it is hoped that
            this work can form a basis for future research in shipping, in both the academia
            and the industry.

            1.  Bank of Greece (2018). Press Release 20/11/2018 - Balance of
                 payments: Revision of sea transport statistics. Available in:
                 pItem.aspx?Item_ID=6  244&List_ID=1af869f3-57fb-4de6-b9ae-
            2.  Eurostat (2013). European System of Accounts ESA 2010. Luxembourg:
                 Publications Office of the European Union. Available in:
            3.  Eurostat (2016). User guide on European statistics on international
                 trade in goods, 2016 edition. Luxembourg: Publications Office of the
                 European Union. Available in:
            4.  IMF (2009). 6th edition of the IMF Balance of Payment and
                 International Investment Position Manual. Washington, D.C.:
                 International Monetary Fund. Available in:
            5.  IMF (2017). Balance of Payments and International Investment Position
                 (BPM6) Compilation Guide. Washington, D.C.: International Monetary
                 Fund. Available in:

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