Page 401 - Invited Paper Session (IPS) - Volume 1
P. 401

IPS173 Yuki U.

                          Recent improvements of the Tankan business
                         survey: Globalization of business and statistical
                                            Yuki Uchida
                                       Bank of Japan, Tokyo, Japan

            The progressing globalization of business has been observed in enterprises
            across  many  countries  in  recent  years.  Japanese  enterprises  have  also
            developed business operations worldwide over the past decade, moving their
            business strategies from a non-consolidated basis to a consolidated one. With
            Japanese enterprises developing business operations worldwide, the linkages
            between  domestic  business  activities  and  those  overseas  have  become
            stronger. These linkages are not fully captured in non-consolidated figures,
            such as domestic investments and exports of enterprises in Japan. The Tankan
            (Short-Term Economic Survey of Enterprises in Japan) is a statistical survey
            which aims to accurately assess domestic economic conditions; the Bank of
            Japan collects answers from enterprises in Japan on a non-consolidated basis,
            and overseas activities, such as overseas sales and investments, are not fully
            captured.  With  the  overseas  business  operations  of  Japanese  enterprises
            having a larger impact on corporate behaviour in Japan, the Bank faces the
            challenge of more accurately capturing changes in domestic business trends
            in a timely manner.
            Against this background, in late 2016 the Bank proposed major revisions of
            the Tankan: (1) the introduction of a new survey category on a consolidated
            basis  which  captures  overseas  business  activities,  such  as  global  sales  and
            investments, by approximately 2020; (2) the addition of R&D investment to its
            survey items in the March 2017 Tankan survey; and (3) the enhancement of
            the survey on exchange rates.
            In addition, the Bank is also considering increasing the frequency of sample
            extraction through stratification based on population data in the near future.
            This will further allow the Tankan to accurately capture changes in population
            enterprises and their business models, including changes through the entry of
            foreign enterprises into the domestic market.

            Tankan; Business survey; Globalization

            1.  Introduction
                The  Tankan  (Short-Term  Economic  Survey  of  Enterprises  in  Japan)  is  a
            nationwide business survey conducted by the Bank of Japan, which aims to

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