Page 402 - Invited Paper Session (IPS) - Volume 1
P. 402

IPS173 Yuki U.
                  provide an accurate picture of business trends of enterprises in Japan, thereby
                  contributing to the appropriate implementation of monetary policy.
                      The  Tankan  is  a  geographical-based  survey,  using  a  sample  survey
                  framework (outlined in the Appendix) where sample enterprises are selected
                  from  a  survey  population  whose  target  population  is  private  enterprises
                  (excluding financial institutions) in Japan with capital of 20 million yen or more.
                  Of  the  survey  population 2  comprising  approximately  220,000  enterprises,
                  approximately  10,000  sample  enterprises  were  chosen  in  accordance  with
                  statistical accuracy. The Tankan asks various questions to measure business
                  activities, such as those regarding business conditions, financial statements,
                  and inflation, all of which are surveyed on a non-consolidated basis, collecting
                  answers from enterprises located in Japan.
                      The above framework meets the Tankan’s purpose as it measures, on a
                  quarterly  basis,  short  term  domestic  economic  conditions  through  the
                  perceived business conditions of the surveyed enterprises and their annual
                  projections via financial statements including exports.
                       However, it is difficult to capture the factors behind changes in domestic
                  business activities which are occurring due to expanding overseas business
                  activities and which are not fully covered in the existing survey items of the
                  Tankan. With the sales and profits of Japanese multinational enterprises being
                  driven by their overseas business activities, investment decisions are made
                  more and more on a consolidated rather than non-consolidated basis, making
                  it difficult to capture the background behind changes in corporate behaviour
                  and  economic  conditions  in  Japan.  This  poses  challenges  for  the  Bank  in
                  capturing accurately and in a more timely manner, the changing administrative
                  decisions  of  firms  and  business  trends  in  Japan.  Section  2  shows  recent
                  developments in the overseas business activities of enterprises in Japan and
                  describes how the Bank is responding to the challenges by revising survey
                  items and coverage. Section 3 touches on further improvements the Bank is
                  considering to more timely reflect changes in enterprise business trends and
                  section 4 gives some concluding remarks.

                  2.  Recent developments of overseas business activities and revisions of
                      the Tankan
                      The sales of overseas affiliates of Japanese enterprises have increased over
                  the past decade (Chart 1). Consequently, these affiliates have increased their

                  1  For details, see "Explanation of the Tankan (Short-Term Economic Survey of Enterprises in
                  Japan)" (February 2019).
                  2  The survey population of the Tankan is drawn from the Economic Census conducted by the
                  Ministry  of  Internal  Affairs  and  Communications  and  the  Ministry  of  Economy,  Trade  and
                  Industry,  whose  enumeration  unit  is  defined  as  any  establishment  having  one  location  and
                  being operated under a single management in Japan.
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